Chapter Fourteen- Summer Love <3

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[Niall’s POV]

I call Jaz and ask her if she wanted to hang out for a little while. She quickly agrees and I can’t wait to see her. It’s been a few days since I last saw her and I miss her like crazy. The lads all went to the studio to work on the last few songs on our next album. I’m in the process of writing a song, except I have no idea what I want the song to be called or how I want the song to go. I’m just strumming random chords on my guitar when I hear a knock on the door. I quickly open it and see Jazlene. She smiles and pulls me into a hug.

“How have you been Ni?”

“I’ve been good. A little stressed but good.” She pulls away and reads my face.

“Why are you stressed?” We walk inside and sit on the couch. I pull my guitar on my lap and strum lightly before answering her.

“Because I’m trying to write a song, but I have no lyrics or song name.” She lays back on the couch and sways her head to my playing. I can tell she is thinking about what to say next. She faces me, a large smile plastered on her face. “What?”

“I have a name.” I stop my strumming.

“Well what is it?”

“Summer Love.” She gives a nod. I can see how proud she is of coming up with that name.

“Why Summer Love?” I remove my guitar from my lap and pull her closer to me.

“Because Grease is my favorite musical, right below the Wizard of Oz of course, and the song Summer Lovin’ just popped in my head so... Summer Love.”

“Hmh. It could work.” I smile and she returns it.

“See I help.”

“I never said you couldn’t.”

“I know. But now if you ever wanted to say it in the future you won’t be able to. This could be your next big hit! Summer Love.” She snuggles closer to me and I wrap my arm around her waist rubbing my hand up and down her side.

“So what are you doing later tonight.” I give her a smirk and she returns it before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

We spent the rest of the day and night watching our favorite films, musicals and stuffing our faces with junk food. We watched a few horror films and I was proud of myself for that idea. Every time a scary part came on she would bury her face in the crook of my neck and pull herself closer to me. The rest of the night went on and I could see it was getting late. I looked down at Jaz and saw she was already sleeping. I tried my hardest to move without waking her but failed.

“Hmm. It’s late. I should go.” She let out between yawns.

“It it late so just stay here. C’mon.” I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room.

I found a pair of pyjamas and handed them to her so she would be comfortable. This was her first time staying the night at my place. I was a little nervous but tried my hardest to push all those nerves aside. I stepped into my sleepwear. I usually sleep with nothing on, but I can’t tonight for obvious reasons. Jaz steps back into my room rubbing her eyes and yawning some more. She slides into my bed and looks up at me through her tired lids.

“Aren’t you coming?” She lifts the sheets up and I scoot next to her.

She pulls me close to her and leans her forehead against mine giving me a smile that drives me insane. I rub my hand up her arm and feel the shivers it sends through her body. The next thing I know her lips are on mine and her hands are running through my hair. I deepen the kiss and we stay tangled together for what seems like eternity before she breaks the kiss. I smile feeling the blush creep against my cheeks and she turns so her back is against my chest. Taking my hands she wraps them around her waist and interlocks our fingers together before drifting back to sleep. I soon do the same and I must say this night can not go wrong.

~Later That Night/ Early Morning~

I feel the bed moving and I wake up. I’m a light sleeper and it sucks sometimes. I see Jaz tossing and turning in her sleep. She looks like she is having a nightmare. I go to wake her but she turns again letting out a painful whimper. My hand reaches for her arm but she jerks up before I can touch her. She looks around the room in fear. She then breaks down into tears. I pull her close to me and began whispering in her ear.

“Shh shh shh. It’s ok. It was just a dream.” She writhes in my grasp but I hold on until she is clutching onto my shirt.

I let her cry letting out every emotion she has been locking up. I keep whispering to her that ‘it will be ok’ or ‘I’m right here’ and she nods in response but her sobs don’t let up. After almost thirty minutes she slowly pulls away from me and looks me in my eyes, her brown eyes meeting my blue ones, and I see the pain she has been hiding.

“Tell me you will always hold on.” She says it so low I can barely hear her.

“I’ll always hold on. No matter what.” She nods and nuzzles her head back into my chest.

I rub circles on her back and see that she has fallen back asleep. She looks peaceful unlike  forty-five minutes ago. I’m unable to go back to sleep after what I just witnessed. I want her to tell me what happened to her. Why she is the way she is now. But I know if I push her, it could only make her pull farther away from me.

~Actual Morning~

I get out of bed, making sure I move Jaz as gently as possible, and slip downstairs. The boys are up and Harry is cooking breakfast.

“Morning Niall!” Zayn yells and I clamp my hand over his mouth.

“Shh! She’s sleeping.” All of the boy’s eyes go wide.

“She? Niall you cheeky Irish bastard!” Louis whisper yells and I roll my eyes.

“Shut up. Nothing happened.”

Nothing?” Harry asked almost shocked.

“Nope.” I respond making sure I pop the ‘p’. I take a seat next to Liam and sigh.

“What is it Nialler?”

“Last night, everything was great we watched some films, ate some food and had a really great time. And then she had a dream Li. No more like a nightmare and just completely freaked out. She cried herself back to sleep in my arms last night.”

“Maybe it was from one of the films you watched last night. Did you watch any scary movies?”

“Yeah but that wasn’t it. It’s like this dream meant something to her. Her eyes guys. God her eyes looked like they had seen and been through so much from that one dream. And I don’t know how to talk to her about it.”

“I think you should bring it up subtly. Don’t force her to talk about it. Just ease it into a conversation.” Zayn’s advice makes sense.

Just then we hear water running and know Jaz is up. Now all I have to do is figure out when and how I’m going to talk to her about all of this.

(A/N Wow so what was Jaz dreaming about?!? Ohhh the Suspense kills me!! Lol!! Xx)

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