Chapter Twenty- I'm Nothing :'(

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Cherry Bomb’s POV

This is our last day with the boys and we planned to all hang out later in the day. They had an interview, so we aren’t able to hang out with them until afterwards. Everything feels right. Saige and Zayn are legit boyfriend girlfriend and I’ve never seen her more happy. She put in her letter of resignation for The Krazy Kat. She thinks it’s better for her to move on and start fresh. Scarlett and Harry are seeing each other now and she quit a few days ago. He asked her too and she didn’t mind. Niall and I are good. We haven’t really made things official yet but I think we are getting there. The girls and I are watching the station that the boys interview will be on. They are announced and walk across the stage one by one waving at the screaming fans in the audience. They each take a seat and the interview begins.

“Welcome One Direction! It’s great having you all here.” Another few screams from the audience.

“It’s great being here.” Liam smiles and the boys do the same.

“Now you all are getting ready to release your second album yeah? How’s that going?”

“Well we just got done putting it together really and we have to figure out the release date, but it was so much fun recording it and we can’t wait for you all to hear it.” Harry responds and the crowd goes crazy.

“That’s exciting isn’t it? And you all have a sold out world tour coming up!”

“Yeah. We can’t wait to meet all of the fans and visit new places.” Niall speaks and the other boys nod their head in agreement.

“Well enough about the boring stuff. Let’s get to the gossip.” There are a few whistles from the crowd. “Ok I am going to ask each one of you a question concerning your relationship status.” I see Niall tense and Harry give him a quick pat on the back.

“Alright.” Louis smiles and the interviewer continues.

“Now Louis.”

“I am taken.” He smiles again and the crowd ‘awes’.


“Me and my girlfriend just recently got back together so I am taken.” The crowd cheers and Liam smiles sheepishly.

“Mr. Malik?”

“I am taken.” He smiles widely and I look at Saige who has the same grin on her face.


“I am seeing someone. We are not official yet, but I’m hoping to change that soon.” Harry winks at the camera and Scarlett almost falls off of the couch.

“Now Mr. Horan. There have been some pictures of you and a very lovely young lady out and about lately. Care to explain?” I watch Niall and this hurt expression pass over his face but he quickly hides it.

“Uhh... She’s just a girl.” My jaw hits the floor and I feel the tears sting my eyes.

“Are you sure about that? You two look like a lot more to me.”

“I’m sure. I’ve met her a few times and she’s nice but we’re nothing.” He shrugs and bites his lip. I can feel the tears falling from my eyes at this point.

“That’s not what a magazine said.” This interviewer is really trying to get answers.

“Well you shouldn’t believe everything you read.” That is all it took for me to stand from the couch and leave the flat, Saige and Scarlett calling after me.

I can’t believe him. I walk to his flat in tears and sit on the stairs waiting for their arrival. I don’t know what I’m going to say to him. I just know that I need to know why he lied to me for so long. Why egg someone on if you have no feelings for them. A black SUV pulls up and I see the boys file out and Niall slowly behind them.

“Hey Jaz what are you... What’s wrong?” Liam dashes over to me but my eyes never leave Niall.

I push past Liam and the rest of the boys and right up to him. He avoids eye contact with me only making me more upset. I take a deep breath before speaking.

“So I’m nothing.” It’s not a question.

His eyes snap up to meet mine and I can see the tears. He looks hurt and upset. I want to console him but I can’t because I’m feeling the same way if not worse than he is.

“That’s not what I meant.” He whispers and I see the other boys shuffle inside their flat.

“Then what did you mean? That I was just some nice fuck? Nothing more than that right. I was a good time for a month.”

“No! You know that you mean more to me than that!”

“Do I really? You did hire me and all.”

“Can you stop!” He’s getting frustrated and so am I.

“No. I see you Niall. I really see who you are now. You’re not this sweet guy you’re just a dick that gets what he wants and then leaves. So you know what I’m done. Whatever we were and whatever we had is done. Have a great life without the girl that you’ve ‘met a few times.’” I scoff and turn away from him.

“Jaz will you please listen to me.” He pleads but I keep walking.

I don’t care about what he has to say. He hurt me. The one guy I let in completely and he hurts me. This is why I don’t get personal. This is why I keep everyone at a safe distance. Because you can trust no one. And everyone leaves you one way or another.

(A/N So do not hate me for this chapter ok? It was so hard to write this because ugh! So yeah don’t hate me because there is more alright. And can I just say WOW to all the reads this story has gotten! Like my goodness!!! Over 4,000!!! Like that's just crazy to me!! Thank you guys! Xx)

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