chapter 1

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I was sitting at a table in the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue. I had a notebook and a pencil case in front of me. I had a book in my hands that I was reading. It was just a normal day in my life. Suddenly I heard a loud scream and I turned around on my chair. I saw an old lady running and screaming from the cellar. The old lady, the librarian, stopped and fell on the floor. Many people went there and carried her to a room.

"What happened?" I asked from a woman, who was sitting couple seats from me. "I heard someone talking about a ghost. I don't believe in ghosts though, so it was just probably a panic attack or something." The woman said. "Oh, okay. Thanks." I said and turned back to my book and other stuff. 

After 5 minutes I heard someone talking on the phone. "Hey, one librarian saw a ghost down in the cellar. Could you come and check it out?" A man spoke to the phone. "Wonderful, thank you." The man ended the call. "Hmm, I wanna hear this." I thought in my mind.

The minutes went and nothing happened. Then one of the main doors opened and a tall man, brown haired and wearing round glasses, stepped inside the hall. He walked over to my table. He sat down on the floor and took a thing from his pocket and put it against the wooden table. I have no idea what that thing was, so I was curious. "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked from the man and he looked up at me. He had brown eyes. Damn he is handsome. "I'm trying to get some readings," the man answered. "I heard a man calling to someone and the man said something about a ghost. Did you come here because of the ghost thing?" I asked. "Well, yes." The man said. "Why you ask?" "I'm just curious. I'm interested in ghosts and that stuff." I said. "Oh, okay. That's good to hear." The man said. "What's your name?" He continued. "Oh, my name is Melissa. Melissa Gillies. My nickname is just Mel." I said and shook hands with the man. "Lovely name. My name is Egon. Egon Spengler." The man said. I smiled and Egon smiled back. I turned back to my notes. 

After 10 minutes, two men walked over to Egon. One of them took a book and slammed it on the table. "Oh you're here!" Egon said. "Yes, should we go to check the cellar?" The other man asked. "Yes, yes we should. See ya Melissa." Egon said and walked away with the two men. "Bye Egon," I said but that quietly that he didn't hear me. I heard them talking. "Melissa? When did you met a girl, Egon?" The book slammer asked with a smirk on his face. "I met her when I came here. Anyways, the main subject. This is big Peter, this is very big. There's definitely something here." Egon said. Then their voices faded away that I couldn't hear them anymore.


After 30 minutes I heard men yelling. I looked to where I heard the yelling. I saw the two men and Egon running from the cellar and straight to the main doors. They looked like their souls had left their bodies. "It's kinda late so I should probably go home," I thought and packed my stuff to my bag. I walked outside to the street and took a taxi to my home.

When I arrived outside the house I live in, I paid to the taxi driver and walked inside the house and to the elevator. I arrived to the floor and went straight to my apartment. I took my keys and opened the door. "Shit, it's messy here." I said while taking my jacket and shoes off. 

I turned some lamps on and walked to the kitchen. I made some bread and yoghurt to myself and went to eat them over to my sofa. I turned on the TV and there came a talk show. I was laughing cause the people in the talk show were funny and they were making funny jokes. After I finished my evening snack, I brushed my teeth, watched the talk show till the end and went to my bed. I wasn't that tired so I decided to read a book. When I had read a book for 50 minutes, my eyes started to hurt and I started getting really tired. I put the book on the bedside table, turned off the lamp and fell asleep.

A/N: Hii, how are u? The first chapter was a bit short, sorry bout that :) I'm gonna try to do longer chapters :)) anywayss... hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story and have a wonderful day/night <3

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