chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to a weird sounds from all over my apartment. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen first. From the tap was running water. I turned it off and went to the bathroom. From the bathroom tab was also running water. I heard some more water sounds so I turned to the bath. From the bath tab was also running water. I turned the tabs off.

"Well, that was pretty weird," I said and went back to the kitchen to make some breakfast to myself. I turned on the TV and checked does there come something good to watch. There wasn't coming anything interesting so I decided to watch a movie. 

After the movie I went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes. While I was doing the dishes, I heard a familiar voice coming somewhere. I went to the living room and from the TV was coming a commercial. I looked at the screen and recognized familiar faces. Egon and the two other guys were talking.

"....don't wait another minute, pick up your phone and call the professionals, Ghostbusters!" "We're ready to believe you!"

There was a number on the screen. I quickly took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote the number down. Just in case, you know. Suddenly I heard a really weird voice coming again from my kitchen. I went there for the hundredth time and saw light coming from my fridge. I carefully opened the fridge and I screamed. Inside the fridge was a some kind of temple and there was also a monster looking thing and it said "Zuul". I closed the fridge as quickly as I can and ran to my phone. I called the number I earlier wrote down.

"Ghostbusters, how can I help you?" A lady said on the phone. "Hi, umm, this is a bit odd but I guess you could handle this. Anyways, from my fridge was coming light so I opened it and there was a temple and a monster and the monster said "Zuul". I'm really scared right now so I called you. Can can you help me?" I said. "Don't worry hun, I'll send the boys down there to check your apartment. Can you give me your address?" I gave my address to the lady and started waiting for the Ghostbusters to come. I was so scared that I couldn't move anywhere so I just sat on my couch.

After 15 minutes I heard I knock on the door. I opened it and there were three men standing in the hallway. "Hi, I'm Dr. Venkman. This is Ray Stantz and this is Egon Spengler. You called that can we check your apartment?" Venkman said. I saw Egon's eyes were locked on me so I guess he recognized me. I a bit blushed and went on. "Yes, come inside." I said and lead the way to the kitchen. I heard Egon whisper to the boys, "That's Melissa, the girl I met at the library, remember?"

"It's a bit messy here, sorry bout that." I said in a little embarrassment. "It's fine, don't worry." Egon said. I smiled I bit. "You said it was coming from the fridge, right?" Ray asked. "Yes, yes it was." I said and looked at Egon. Egon was doing something with a thing which probably was getting reading about my apartment. "What's that thing?" I asked from Egon. "Oh this thing? It's a PKE meter." Egon said and continued doing his things. "Where did you get that?" I asked. I think I sounded a bit annoying asking these questions but Egon still answered. "I built it myself." "Oh my, really? That's amazing!" I said in impress. Egon blushed and gave me a little smile. 

"Hey Spengler! We need your meter here now!" We heard Ray's voice from the kitchen. Egon walked to the kitchen, I behind him. Egon started scanning the fridge. I have no idea what the things in the scanner meant but Ray, Egon and Venkman looked at each other in concerned looks. 

"So what does this mean?" I asked in concern. The boys looked at me and Ray spoke first. "Well, this scanner scanned this fridge and it gave really strong readings. It looked pretty bad." "Umm, and it would be really dangerous if you would stay here." Egon said. "So, do you have somewhere else to go?" Ray asked. "Oh, well I don't have other place to go." I said looking on the ground. I felt a little tear coming from my eye and falling on my cheek. "Then I don't know what you should do. But here you can't stay." Ray said. I tried to calm  down and not to cry. "Could she stay at our headquarters?" Venkman asked. Everybody looked at him. "That's good idea but we don't have an extra bed in there." Egon said. "Okay, now we have to think. What options we have?" Ray said and we walked back to the living room. 

I and Egon sat on the sofa and Venkman and Ray sat on two armchairs. "Melissa could stay at one of our homes." Egon said. I looked at my hands, not knowing what to do. "That's actually a great idea." Ray said. "Which of us she stay? Like weeks or even months." He continued. We looked all at each other. "She can stay at my home." Egon said. I looked at Egon in surprise and I felt my face turning red. "Is it okay to you, Melissa?" Ray asked. "Yes, yes. Yeah, of course it's okay." I said stuttering a bit. "Then the problem is solved!" Venkman said. "You should come today. We don't wanna take any risks." Egon said standing up from the couch. "Yeah, can I take some clothes with me?" I asked shyly. "Yes, absolutely." Egon said. "Now pack somethings with you and come to our headquarters. Then on some point you and Egon go to his place, okay?" Ray said. I nodded and went to my bedroom. 

I started packing clothes to my bag. I also took many books with me and some other thing like my notebook etc. I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned around and saw Egon looking at me at my bedroom's door. "Sorry," he said and took his eyes off of me. "It's fine," I said in calmly voice and continued packing my stuff.

After I got all stuff I need in my bag, I took my jacket, put on shoes and walked to the elevator. It was a bit cramped in the elevator cause boys had the packs on their backs. Finally we got in their car. I and Egon went to the back seat and Ray and Venkman to the front. "Has this happened before? Like this my case?" I asked from Egon. "Actually yes. Not long time ago we got one very similar case." Egon said and looked at me. I was looking outside from the car's window. He saw some tears were falling from my eye. "Hey, you alright?" Egon asked and took my hand in his. Our eyes met. Egon was looking at my teary, little bit red eyes. He wiped some tears off from my cheeks with his thumb. "Mel, everything is gonna be okay. Don't worry, we'll help you." Egon said and gave me a little smile. I smiled back and turned to the window to watch the streets of New York.

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