chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning from Egon's bed. I guess he had carried me there last night when I fell asleep. I didn't hear any sounds so I got up from bed and walked to the living room/kitchen combination. I saw a note on the dining table. It said, "Morning, Mel. I already left to work, but I bought some food for you. There's yoghurt in the fridge and bread in the basket in the kitchen (I hope you know where it is). I get off at 7 pm. I'll call you then, okay? I also left my apartments second keys on the table next the door. Call me if something bad happens. - Egon." I smiled and giggled when I read the note. I went to the kitchen to search the bread basket. I found it and put two bread slices to a toaster. I also made some coffee. I went to the fridge and took some butter etc for the bread slices. I also took some yoghurt. "Raspberry flavor, my favorite. How did Egon knew that?" I spoke to myself. I poured some yoghurt to a bowl. I took the bread slices from the toaster and put the toppings on them. I took my breakfast and the coffee and went to the dining table. It was a bit weird to eat without Egon. I looked outside and watched cars drive on the streets. I also looked at the high skyscrapers shining in the sunrise. It was so beautiful.

After the breakfast I continued reading one of the books I took with me from my apartment. Suddenly I heard the phone rang. I answered the call. "Hello," I said to the phone. "Hi, Mel. It's Egon." Egon said. "Oh, hi. How are you?" I asked. "I'm good, thanks. How are you? Did you notice the note on the dining table?" He asked. "I'm good, and yes, I did notice the note. It was cute." Egon giggled on the other side. "Thanks for the yoghurt, raspberry is my favorite." I continued. "I did have that feeling." Egon said. I recognized from Egon's voice that he was smiling. "Well, I'll continue doing my stuff in here, so bye, see ya later." I said and opened my laptop. "Okay, bye." Egon said and ended the call.

I heard the letterbox open. I walked over and took a letter from the floor. It was a letter from the New York Police Department. I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. I opened the letter, read it and fell off from the couch. "Holy shit, I totally forgot this." I said and started screaming after that. I got accepted to the NYPD to be a police officer. "I'm gonna be a cop. I'M GONNA BE A COP HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!!" I jumped up and down. "Okay, okay, calm down girl." I said to calm myself down. "I'm gonna be a police officer. I'm gonna be officer Gillies from NYPD." I said and smiled that it hurted. "I have to celebrate this," I said and walked to the bedroom. I took a white crop top and black suit pants and put them on. I also curled my hair as quickly as I could. I took my tote bag, wallet, phone and the keys from the table and walked out to the corridor.

I took a cab to the Time Square. I pad to the driver and stepped to the warm and busy street. I searched for a food store for about 10 minutes before I found one. I went inside and walked straight to the alcohol section. "Damn, which of these I want?" I said and looked all the wines and champagnes. After over 10 minutes of standing and looking all the alcohols, I finally decided what I take. I took a (little bit more expensive) red wine bottle and a champagne bottle. I paid the bottles and looked at my wrist watch. "Holy, it's already 5 pm." I thought and too a cab back to the apartment. 

I opened the door to the apartment. I put the wine and champagne on the kitchen counter. I searched for some wine glasses but I couldn't find them. "Should I call Egon?" I asked from myself. "Yes, I should. This is kinda like emergency." I said and called Egon. "Hello?" Egon said. Egon's voice sounded a bit confused. "Hi, Egon. Um, I have a question." I said. "Sure, what is it?" He asked. "Do you have wine glasses? And if you do, where are they?" I asked. "I do have wine glasses, yes. They should be in the cabinet next to the fridge. The one where are the plates." Egon said. "Ooh, thanks." I said and I almost hung up but then I heard Egon's voice. "Wait, Mel. Why you ask?" "Today happened one thing that I wanna celebrate. So I went to the store and bought some red wine and champagne." I said while walking to the kitchen to get a wine glass. "Oh, okay. What's the thing?" He asked. "I'll tell you when you come back." I said. "Fine. I maybe get off earlier today." Egon said. "Oh, really? That's nice." I said, taking a wine glass out of the cabinet. "Well, see ya later. And hey, don't drink all the red wine, save me some." Egon said. I laughed. "I'll try. See ya," I said and hung up.

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