chapter 3

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We arrived at the Ghostbusters headquarters. Egon opened the car's door and held it open for me. He took my bag and carried it to upstairs. I looked around and I was kinda exited to see around the headquarters and inside Ghostbusters's life.

"Janine, this is Melissa. She is gonna be here today cause she has same case as Dana has." Venkman said. "Oh, so you are the girl who called here about the fridge?" Janine asked me. "Yes, yes I'm the girl." I said and shook hands with Janine. "Must of been a dangerous case cause now you are here." She said and sat back behind her desk.

"Hey Mel, do you want something to drink?" I heard Ray's yell from upstairs. "What do you have?" I asked while walking up the stairs. "Well, we have water of course. Umm, we have coca-cola and tea. What'd you want?" "I'll take one coca-cola, thanks." I said. Ray handed me a coca-cola can and I opened it. "Nice place you have here," I said while looking around. "This is an old firehouse," Ray said. "Interesting," I said. "Where's Egon? I wanna talk with him," I asked, stopping walking around. "He is probably in his office," Ray said and pointed the way to Egon's office. "Thanks Ray," I said and walked to the office.

I knocked on the door, quietly, but enough loud that Egon heard. "Come in," Egon said. I opened the door and stepped in to the office. "Oh, hi Melissa." Egon said and gave me a little smile. "Hi Egon. I wanna talk with you, if you don't mind?" I asked cause he had something on his desk. Probably building new stuff for the Ghostbusters. "Yeah, sure. You can sit here." Egon said and pointed to a chair on the other side of the desk. I sat down and started talking. "I just wanted to say thank you for letting me to stay in your house. It's so kind that I don't have enough words to describe how thankful I am." I said and looked at my hands cause I was kinda nervous to thank Egon. I don't even know, why I was nervous. "Wow, what can I say. It's my pleasure." Egon said and blushed. I looked straight to his dark brown eyes. They were beautiful. He looked at my dark blue eyes. Egon quickly looked at his desk and cleared his throat. "It's late, we should go." He said and stood up. I stood up too and Egon opened the door and we walked to the kitchen-living room-combination to get my stuff.

After I got my bag and my jacket, I and Egon were walking to his home. We were talking about this and that. We arrived at Egon's apartment after 15 minutes of walking. We went to a elevator and to the floor were Egon's apartment was. He lives at a really high floor. Egon took his keys and unlocked the door. "I'm so sorry, here is really messy." He said and moved couple cardboard boxes out of the way. "It's fine," I said and took my shoes off. I walked further to the apartment. It was really really small. The walls were dark blue. In one corner was a little kitchen. Next to the kitchen was a little bathroom with a bathtub. In the other side of the apartment was a little bedroom. In Egon's apartment was one big window in front of the dining table. It had so so so beautiful view to New York. There was also a window in his bedroom but it was lot smaller than the one in front of the dining table.

"I can sleep on the couch so you can sleep in my bed," Egon said when I got back to the living room. "Are you sure?" I asked with a questioning face. "Yes, I am sure. You are my guest. Do you think I would say that you have to sleep on the couch? Hell no, I'm a gentleman you know." He said and looked straight to my eyes. I blushed a bit and smiled. "Of course you are." I said looking at my feet. "Can I go to the shower now?" I asked. "Yeah, sure. Let me just give you a towel." Egon said and walked to a cabinet. He handed me a white towel. "Thanks," I said and took my pajamas from my bag. I went to the bathroom. I took my clothes off and went to the shower. I washed my hair and my face. Damn, warm shower really is like heaven after a long day. Finally I finished and got out of the shower. I put on my pajamas and wrapped my hair to the towel. When I walked out of the bathroom, I smelled bread and tea. I looked to the kitchen and saw Egon doing evening snack. He had a black t-shirt on and very dark blue sweatpants.

"Hi, you're back." He said when he saw me. His mouth opened a bit. I giggled and walked over to the dining table. I looked down to the streets and lights of New York. Egon walked over and gave me bread and tea. "Thank you," I said and smiled. "Your welcome," he said and also smiled. There was a little silence while we both were watching outside of the window. "By the way, what tea is this?" I asked. "Umm, I think it's Earl Grey." Egon said still looking outside. "Really? That's my favorite tea!" I said and looked at Egon. "That's my favorite tea too," He said and looked at me. We both blushed and I turned to the window again. I looked at my watch and gasped quietly. "It's almost too late, I have to go sleep." I said and took my dishes to the kitchen. I brushed my teeth and did my selfcare things. I walked to the bedroom and under the covers. While I was in the shower, Egon had changed the covers for me. I heard the door open a bit. "Goodnight, Mel." Egon whispered. "Goodnight, Egon." I whispered back. Egon closed the door. I didn't see it but I knew Egon was smiling.

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