chapter 6

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Next morning, I woke up really early. I woke up around 5.30am, cause then I had time to make myself look good. Today I would go to NYPD to talk about my new job and I would accept my place there. I went to the kitchen and put the coffee machine on. I drank a glass of water and went to grab some appropriate clothes. I put on black suit trousers and a white collar shirt. I took my make up-bag and almost ran to the bathroom. I did my make up for 1 and half hours, or even more. When I came back to the kitchen, the coffee was already ready, but it was cold, so I did have to warm it again. When the coffee had warmed up, I took a cup and poured some coffee in there. I took milk from the fridge and poured that also in and then mixed them. I went to the window and took a sip of the coffee. I sighed. I was so happy, and I have no idea why. I had lost my apartment and now I'm living in a apartment, owned by a silly but (sometimes a bit) annoying man. I looked at my wrist watch and almost choked to my coffee. I had about 1 hour before I have to be at the police station. I quickly crabbed my things, put my jacket and heels on and ran to the apartment's door.

I was walking on the street. It was really warm and the sun was shining so bright, so I did have to put on my sunglasses. I walked down some stairs to underground, because I have to the a subway to get to the police. The subway came and I went inside. There wasn't many people in there, probably cause it's really early. I looked at my watch again. "Oh wow, I'm early." I said, quietly. Just when I said that, the subway stopped. I looked outside from the window. I saw the tunnel's wall. "What the-" I said in panic.

The subway stood there for about 15 minutes. "Good morning," the subway's captain said. "We apologize the delay. We will continue the trip soon." The captain said announcement line went quiet. I sighed.

I arrived at the NYPD. I was so exited. I took a deep breath and walked inside. I walked over to the reception. "Hello, I have a meeting booked here." I said, a bit nervously. "What's your name?" The reception lady asked. "Melissa Gillies." I said. The lady wrote something to the computer. "Yes, welcome Ms. Gillies. The meeting room is here." The lady stood up and walked over to one door. I followed her. She showed me a seat. "You can wait here, I'll let the captain know you arrived." The lady gave me a small smile and walked away. After about 5 minutes, the door opened. A tall, masculine man stepped outside. "Miss Gillies, I presume?" He asked. "Yes, that's me." I said and stood up. The man shook my hand. "I'm Captain Collinson."

A/N: hii, I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. but I'm back now yay. this chapter is kinda short so sorry bout that. and thank you so much for almost 1k reads !!!

have a wonderful morning/day/night <3

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