Chapter 3: Darkness

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There was utter silence. There was a few gasping and screaming for short periods. But after that, it was just utter silence. The scenery around May changed drastically. She found herself in a different room surrounded by many people whose faces blurred to the point of no recognition. She stood there in the same dress and same position before the lights went out. She couldn't really tell if she was really there, since her presence wasn't noticeable at all.
Up above the ceiling of the room was broken by something huge that had crashed through the ceiling and it had crackled in a big booming voice.
" Now you will pay! I will never forgive you, for what you did to my mother! You stole something every precious from me! My brothers and sisters! My mother!! Now I take something precious to you! Your puny king and this lady for a little meal of my own..." The thing yelled, as it grabbed May. She yelled in its grasp.
This is not suppose to happen! What's going on?! She thought.
The thing laughed horribly in the darkness. And it grabbed Dain in other enormous hand of his. May gave a high pitch scream.
I wasn't ready for this!
Wait? What's going on? I am dreaming? Why does it feel like I'm watching myself in some horror movie?
She looked over at Dain, as he slumped onto monster, unconsciously.
That faker I would never fall for his trap!
Why am I having these thoughts!
Before she knew it, she gave another high pitch scream... But she knew, it would never work.
As the monster came crashing though the ceiling, she yelled to Lief.
" You can't trust him! Don't trust DAAAAAIN!" But she was already out the building.
May knew they didn't hear the last thing she said and with that thought in mind, she sighed. Inside her was full of sadness. She felt like crying in the midst of her struggle, while silently cried in the inside.
What the heck? This isn't me? I'm not a crybaby!
This wasn't suppose to happen!... Unless I jumbled up the story! Then I wouldn't know the story. This is so frustrating!
She wiggled in the monster grasp. But held it held her tighter. She was shoved into the sack and dragged roughly onto a cart.
What's going on?! It's like I've done this before? Why is it familiar?
What does she... I mean, I mean by that?
She started shuffling around, to check her surroundings.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone or something had kicked or bumped on her side.
" Ouch,'' May wailed.
Damn. That still hurts even though it wasn't directly at me... The real me.
'' Will ya, quiet down,'' replied a voice. May realised that the thing was a someone. Now, May was really frustrated. She knew that voice, it sounded so familiar? It couldn't be them! Or could it be? May just could help it, her curiousity got the better of her, and she said. ''Who are you and what do you want with me?!" There was multiple of laughs. May guessed about two males.
" The tick doesn't know us!" The two laughed even louder.
"Who do you think, we are? Who doesn't know us, we are servants of the Master who rules this country now and forever!" The first answered.
" Yeah! Deltora is lost forever!" yelled the second. May gulped and laid there in silence.
" So you finally stopped talking," snorted the first voice, after they stopped laughing horribly. May had a bad feeling. She was getting sick. She tried beating it down, but it got even worse. Soon, she started pinching herself.
" This is just a dream, this is just a dream," she whispered to herself.
" You may want to stop saying that and believe it's real, because it is!" The first yelled. "It's driving me crazy!"
Well to me... This doesn't feel right to me at all!
" Hey, could you quiet down a bit. People will start to wake up!" Hissed the second. " After bringing the brat to the master, we'll have done the job!"
" Fine" scoffed the first. May was tired and confused.
"Where is everyone?" She said moving her body around.
Actually, that's weird. Where is everyone? I can't see anything or anyone...
"Where's my... mother?"
Yeah. Where is she?... She drifted off drily.
" As I you have a mother! Ha ha ha ha! Laughed the first. " And I'm sorry, but we left everyone behind. But our master would of loved to make them suffer."
May desperately wanted to know who their were, but she couldn't put her finger on it and her eyes began to water.
" Oh! Listen to this! She's crying!" The first voice said, smirking.
" Let her cry, we'll store it in a little jar and that will be all that is left of her... Unless she wants it the hard way." May quickly dried her eyes. " That a good girl. We'll nearly there."
May whimpered to herself. " I'm never going home. I'm never going home!"
The cart stopped. She heard doors, or even gates creak open. There was a few chattering before the cart started moving again. After a short distance, it stopped again. This time they pulling May out of the cart and began dragging her on the floor. There was a few bumps on the way and it hurt May painfully. She was starting to get sore.
These people are really rough. Just who do they think they are?
"Let me go! Let me go" she would wail, but the answer would always be the same.
"Never in a million years" was what the voices said, sometimes with a bit of a snort.
A few minutes later, they dumped May on the floor. Leaving her in distress. She could feel the floor, all branchy and vinery. Making it every umcomfortable to lay on. Then her kidnappers un-sacked May and thew the bag away.
Ouch... That actually hurts more than you think.
" Now do you know who I am?!"
To May's horror, she was face to face with... a grey guard!
A Grey Guard? What on earth? I must be dreaming, but I can't get up. Somebody please wake me up... Her stomach began to twist and turn. She felt sick. She turned her body around to be faced by a pair of crimson eyes, grinning in approval. She blinked her eyes repeatedly, rubbed them furiously. But her eyes was show a blur to everything she looked at. Her eyes feeling heavy. Feeling dizzy... She turned her head weakly, for the last time. The last thing she saw was Grey Guards laughing at her in amusement. Among them was a extremely tall, skinny man holding up a bottle, waving it around her head. Have to... Get that bottle!... Trying to stop this she flung her hand out to the bottle into its reach, successfully grabbing it. Yes! She smiled again to herself for a few seconds then it turned back into a frown. No... The bottle had taken full affect and she was drowsing down to the floor. This can't be happening... Somebody help me... Then her eyes slowly closed...

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