Chapter 16: Soldeen

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Ralads crowded the entrance, as the adventurers walked forwards. Looking back, May saw the concerned faces within the strong, but mute people. Lief looked back and frowned.
" I'm sorry, Manus for asking you to come with us." Manus turned and pointed forwards, smiling. Surprised, Lief smiled with gratitude.
They travelled all day through the rocky roads, until it there was a large clearing in front of them. The sunset sun reflecting a orange glow. Manus stopped in his tracks and stared hard.
"What's the matter?" asked Lief." You seem scared. It is because the Lake of Tears is just beyond this rocks?" Manus nodded." It's okay, you've done enough already. You can go home now, back to your friends and family."
Manus looked up at Lief, then placed his hand on his chest and pointed forwards.
"Well yeah, but won't everyone in Raladin be worried for you?" asked May, worried. Manus gave them a long good stare. In the end, Lief just sighed, chuckling.
" All right, if you're going to be stubborn." Manus closed his eyes with a satisfying smile.
They walked in, engulfed into the darkness of the night, in front of them a large lake laid surrounded by spooky rocks that reached so high, it was impossible to see beyond.
" Is this it?" asked Lief.
" Oh, this is it alright," replied Barda. Jasmine shivered.
" This used to be the town of D'or, it was full of plants and trees like a big, beautiful garden. Then sorceress Thaegan did this to it." May remained silent, she kicked a rock when she widened her eyes with realization. She looked over to them.
" Why don't you guys go ahead, I'll go rest over there fir a bit." Before they could reply, she left the scene. Barda turned to Lief.
" Is the belt warm? Does it feel the presence of a gem?" Lief clutched the belt.
" No, nothing. At least, not yet." Lief looked up to see Manus stare at them with curious eyes. He looked back at his companions, then faced Manus." This is what we came for. There's a special gem hidden somewhere around this lake. But this is a big secret, if we do find the gem you can't tell anyone, no matter what happens, even May doesn't know."
" Yet..." grumbled Jasmine. Manus turned towards them, then placed his fist over his chest with a kind smile. They smiled with relief. They walked onwards into the Lake of Tears.
" We should be careful, there could be something waiting for us out there," said Jasmine, cautiously.
" Well, there's only one way to find out," replied Barda. He walked forwards, tapping the ground." It seems alright." The others followed after him, Lief felt the belt get warmer and murmured.
" The gem's here, the belt senses it now. It must be under the water." Kree crowed, making Jasmine alert.
" Something's here!" They all embraced themselves, as the surface of the water started to move. Out of the water came slithering snakes, but with a swift movement, Barda and Lief cut them down.
" That can't be it," said Barda.
" No, there's more," murmured Lief, his eyes drifting left and right." The belt feels... hot now." A shadow casted over the lake, and large creature emerged from the water.
" There it is..." said Barda.
" ... Soldeen," said Lief. The monster swerved in their direction, a large blowhole of water appeared in the moment. Soldeen appeared in the midst of it, heading in their direction. It came with its mouth open wide, Lief and Barda managed to dodge, but fell from the impact. Soldeen retreated back to the lake.
" Lief, are you alright?" asked Barda, getting up.
" I'm fine."
" What ever you do, keep moving. We'll wait wait for our chance to attack."
" I got ya," said Lief, he looked ahead." Barda! Watch out!"
Barda looked ahead as well, to see Soldeen advancing towards him. He took the full impact.
" Barda!" Soldeen swiftly turned to Lief, but Lief was ready and running forward, stabbing the monster with his sword. But he was unable to hold on and let go, crashing to the murky waters. Before he could even stand up, the monster was advancing again. He grabbed a sack he was carrying with him at Soldeen and it growled with irritation. Lief's sword came flying off, which Lief then grabbed before running off to the others.
" Quickly! To the rocks!" Soldeen dived back into the depths of the lake.
May was not a long distance away, when her companions fought the Soldeen, her hands dirty with crusty mud. She bent down, rubbing the soil against her fingers. Interesting. The soil itself was crust and ruin, preventing it from growing plants. It was either from the overdose of water or not enough sunlight, she couldn't tell.
" So the curse really destroyed this place..." She stood up dusting herself, when she heard a beautiful melody ringing her ears. She smiled.
" Must be Manus." Taking light steps she heading to the group in a swaying motion. She looked at them as they sat there in peace. Lief touched his waist with a smile. Then looked up at the full moon.
" It's full now, but I don't see its power."
"Hm?" Lief turned to see May, standing there with a grin.
" May!" She waved in reply, but was then interrupted by Soldeen emerging from the water. They looked up in surprise, Manus stopped playing.
" Don't stop... Keep playing." Manus hesitated.
" Play it now!" Manus' melody rang throughout the place again. Soldeen closed his eyes and turned to the companions.
" Why have you come to this forbidden place?" Manus paused in surprise.
" Do not stop!" May rubbed Manus back, as he continued to play.
" Do not stop unless I say so. Answer me and do not try to lie for I will know if you do." Lief glanced back at May, then sighed.
" We came here looking for a very important gem," replied Lief, firmly." It's somewhere in this lake and we won't leave without it."
" A gem?"
" It was dropped somewhere around this lake. It probably happened around sixteen years ago and we need to find it now, no matter what."
" I know about the gem."
" Do you know where it is?" asked Lief.
" I have it." Barda, Jasmine and Lief looked surprised.
" It is my prize, the only thing in this bitter and lonely place that comforts me in my misery. Did you think I would let you take it for nothing?"
" Then what do you want in return, Soldeen?" Barda jumped in.
" Name your price, if it is within our power we'll get it for you." Soldeen laughed. May looked away so she didn't have to see his hideous teeth.
" Very well, then. I will give you the gem in return for a friend. Give the little man to me, I like his face and the music he makes."
" No way," replied Lief, angry.
" He will come into the lake with me and sit among the weeping stone. He will play to me in the endless days and lonely nights. He will ease my pain for as long as he lives."
Manus hopped down from the rock he sat on and headed to Soldeen's direction. May grabbed him." No, wait Manus!"
"Clearly the ralad wishes to join me. Leave him, let him come."
"You've got to be kidding," remarked Jasmine." It's not like he wants to go."
" Let me have him or I'll destroy the rest of you and take him anyways," he yelled with a roar.
" Go ahead and try, you over-headed catfish!" said Lief, embracing himself. Soldeen roared once more, as he raised Lief into the air and Lief found himself stumbling down.
" Lief!"
Lief managed to grab one of its whiskers and pull out his sword in front of his eye.
" Listen up," said Lief." We're not letting you have our friend. He's been a slave for five years and he's finally free now. So don't think we'll give him up, no matter what happens." May saw a faint glow coming from Lief's waist, and awed in amazement. Soldeen remains quiet.
"... You're willing to give everything up for that man and that man is willing to do the same for you?" Soldeen continued." I remember a time... Where I too... Long ago... So long ago..."
" What's going on?" asked Jasmine. May smiled, softly.
" It's the topaz."
" What is happening to me? My heart feels so pure and my mind is burning... Clearing."
" The topaz... The moon... The light from the full moon giving strength to the topaz," muttered Lief.
" I can see pictures... From another time and place. That's... What have you done to me? What kind of spell did you put me under?"
" It's not a spell. The topaz will show only what's true. Soldeen, I know this might be hard to believe but what you just saw  is real." Soldeen groaned.
" I feel a great weight lifted from my heart... What is it? What is it you want from me?"
" We just want the gem," said Lief. May added.
" Please help us, let Manus go and give us the gem for the sake of what you once were, Soldeen. For the sake of everything you've loved in the past."
" Hmm... As you wish." Soldeen turned towards the weeping stone and when they arrived, Lief jumped off and climbed onto the weeping stone, looking into its hands. Lief gave it a good, hard stare.
" That's why you're looking for, isn't it?" asked Soldeen. He remained quiet. Lief looked at the gem in front of him, that gave a pinkish glow. His eyes tighten together." A pink gem? I don't remember any of the seven gems from the belt of Delora as being pink." He mumbled.
" What's taking you so long? What's wrong?"
" Ah, nothing." Lief grabbed the gem and headed back to Soldeen. On the other side, Jasmine, Barda, Manus and May stood watching and waiting. Barda looked at May.
" May, about the belt..."
" I know."
" But..."
" It's okay. I figured it out anyways."
" Hey look, it's Lief!" exclaimed Jasmine." He's coming back and look, it looks like his got himself the gem in his hand. But something's not right. He doesn't look the least a bit excited about it." Barda nodded in agreement. May put her hands on her hips.
" He'll realize eventually. But right now we better embrace ourselves." She said, taking out a dagger, she never knew she had before.
" What do you-" Suddenly, thunder boomed and lightning crackled. It made a large explosion, directed at Soldeen, water flying everywhere. The sound of laughter echo through the lake and a figure appeared from the smoke.
" Welcome to my beautiful garden, children... I am the sorceress THAEGAN!"

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