Chapter 14: Raladin

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The next morning, they got up early and prepared themselves for the journey, before long they were walking beside a rapid river, with Manus leading them.Manus had his hands curled into fists with a determine look in his face. May walked behind the group, staggering as she went. Her eyes grew weary and she felt like going to subside after having a turbulent night. Jasmine looked at Manus.
" Hey Manus, do you think you could slow down a little bit?"
" He won't," replied Lief." But we got to be close. We'll be there soon."
" I hope so," muttered May, shivering. As they walked, they stopped in front of a large waterfall that seemed to be blocking their path. Manus smiled, jumped inside and disappeared into the waterfall. Stunned, they stared at the waterfall for a few moments.
" Well it looks like we go through the waterfall," said Lief. They all went through the waterfall; Jasmine with Barda's cloak and May with Lief's. Manus patiently waited for them and pointed forwards.
" You got it," said Lief." We're following you to Raladin." Manus carried a torch as they walked deeper into the cave. May shivered at the eerie place and hugged Lief's cloak more tightly.
" It's great that we have Manus leading us don't you think?" She mumbled. Lief turned to her with a smile.
" Of course! Otherwise we wouldn't have known this tunnel existed." May nodded in return. Lief looked ahead to see a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Manus rushed to the entrance with much haste.
" This must be it..." They rushed out as soon as they could, excited to see what was on the other side. At the end of the tunnel, they stopped to find themselves on a high cliff looking over of what was left of Raladin. The area was filled of a white mist covering the town with a gloomy look.
" So this is Raladin..." muttered Lief, under his breath." It's like a ghost town. Whatever happened, it can't be good."
Manus ran ahead, running through the town. Up and down pathways homes, bridges and lastly the fountain that centred it all. His head bowed low in defeat. May looked at him, sadly.
" Manus..."
" I can't imagine how hard it must be like to have all your people taken to the shadow lands to be slaves."
" Maybe they fled somewhere first," responded Lief, desperately.
" The Raladins would never left their village to their own accord. From the very beginning, this has always been their home. Look around the mark of the shadow lord is everywhere."
" So his claimed this place too..." May suddenly felt unsteady, falling to her knees." And the worst part is there's nothing we can do to help him..."
" Oh no!" Jasmine checked her wound to see it had gotten worse.
" At this rate, it we don't get her properly fixed, it will be fatal," she concluded. Their knit their eyebrows in destress.
In the midst of it all, a small melody rang throughout the town. May closed her eyes with a smile.
" Please put me down." They agreed immediately, and they all stopped to listen to the soft melody. May opened her eyes to see Manus, playing a flute whilst he sat on the fountain. Her heart cried out to him and tears ran down her tears as she waited patiently for the next moments to past by.
"Just you wait, Manus. You wouldn't be all alone anymore," she muttered to herself. She looked around to find the others looking away or with a grieving look on their face. Turning back to Manus, she watched him played the flute with the beautiful melody, when he stopped. Alarmed, she leaning closer to hear better and realised that they were coming. Sounds of other flutes played in the distance, surprising Manus as he jumped off the fountain. A part of it lifted up and a crowd of ralads came sprouting out one by one, playing a joyful melody with their flutes. Manus started to smile, he then jumped for joy greeting them in a silent reunion. The four watched the scene in amazement. May smiled.
" I'm glad your happy." And then she fainted from exhaustion.

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