Chapter 13: The mark

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The four continued on with their quest, May woke up and found herself on Barda's back. Exhausted, she turned to see Manus behind their trail.
" Oh, the little ralad man is still following us." They all stopped.
" Just like I thought. We've got to say something. The more of us there is, the easier it is for Thaegen to find us," muttered Barda. Lief called out to him.
" Manus!" Manus looked up with a happy smile and ran over to them. " I'm sorry, but you can't come with us." Manus just looked at him, then bent down to write.
" The four of you have... twice saved me. Once from the grey guards...
Once form Jin and Jod. Now... my life is yours," read Barda." He wants to repay us for what we've done," he concluded.
" But you saved us from Jin and Jod too, Manus," reasoned Lief." Remember? I'd say we're even." Manus crossed both his hands in disagreement.
" Don't you see that your free from those evil monsters? You can go home if you want to," replied Jasmine. Manus smiled and pointed ahead of them. They all looked back, as they watched Manus walk ahead. May yawned.
" You want... us to follow you home?"
" Ah, I get it," said Lief." To get to the Lake of tears we need to get through Raladin first. Which means that he could probably show us the way." Manus nodded.
" Good. Saves us time," grinned Barda.
" Looks like we've got ourselves a new guide," smiled May. Manus walked ahead as he lead them through the forest to the town of Raladin.

As they walked, May -who got off Barda- shuffled through her bag, when she noticed a small book hidden inside. She soon discovered a pencil for herself and started writing in the little book to occupy herself.
We are now on our way to the village of Raladin. According to Manus, it would take three days. The five of us have to secure ourselves in secure areas, so we could walk with ease. With Jasmine's ability to talk to trees, we kept ourselves hidden from sight.
But because we had to keep ourselves from danger, it slowed us down and even though we know that, Jasmine and I had out injuries to attend too...
May touched her side and flinched from the touch. Only a few more days, she told herself. She wasn't used to the lose of blood loss and she kept on having dizzy spells along the way.
" Clear land ahead," said Lief.
" Isn't there another way?" asked May.
" I'm afraid not," replied Lief." We're just going to run for it. You okay with that?"
May nodded, keeping her stance up.
" Ready. Steady. Go!"
They ran across the wide meadow, in fear of being spotted by Thaegan, they were about half way there, when May started to feel another dizzy spell upon her. Jasmine who was besides her collapsed.
" Manus!" called Lief, to the little ralad." I think we should stop and let the girls take a rest."
Jasmine looked up." No! I don't need one, especially not here. We might as well put a big sign for Thaegan to tell her where we are." May agreed with a haggard breath. Manus smiled and continued running ahead.
" Hey Manus, why are you running away from us?" asked Lief.
" Maybe he wants to show us something," replied Barda. Manus continued running, until he reached the edge of the vast meadow.The others caught up with him in time. He waited patiently, then pointed out at land below them. Lief widened his eyes at the sight.
" A log cabin!" They followed the path down to the cabin and looked around the place.
" Hello?~ Is anyone home?" said Lief. Barda frowned.
" I think nobody's home." Jasmine looked at the trees nearby.
" Wait a sec." She walked up to one and leaned her head against it, recalling the trees memories. She lifted her head in dismay.
" I thought so. This place was attacked by grey guards." Manus shook had head with disbelief.
" I believe you your right," said Barda." Take a look at this."
He pointed to the cabin wall and they all stared at the black painted hand with an eye that reminded them how cruel the world really was.
" It's been marked," said Lief." By the Shadow Lord's hand."
Manus looked at the mark with a terrified look. His hands curled up into tight fists. May felt sorry for him, he must of been worried sick and now there's little hope left f or his people.
" This isn't good." said Barda." If the grey guards have come this far. Then they've already reached Raladin."
Jasmine gave a determined look." Then we need to hurry." Lief looked at her.
" But Jasmine, your wounds still healing, you need to rest."
" I'm fine." May watched the little ralad run into the cabin.
" Manus, were are you going?" She ran after him inside, the others no far on her trail. Manus looked around and started looked at different things, until he came upon a large wooden basket-like tub. The others watched, as he examine the tub, in confusion.
He placed in up-right and looked at the companions, rubbing his arms in a washing motion.
" Is he for real? Could he be saying we should take a bath in that thing?" said Jasmine, disturbed." Doesn't he know that we don't have to sit around? Seriously."
Manus handed Lief a bucket. He then pointed to the well outside. Lief looked at the bucket, then at the well.
" I get it!"
" There's nothing else to get. He wants us to take a bath," complained Jasmine.
" Actually I think he's worried about your wounds Jasmine, both of you should really rest," replied Barda.
" ..."
" I think he wants you to clean it before we continue."
" But we don't have time-"
" I agree with Manus," said Lief." You should take care of it, while you have a chance."
" It's obvious that you take his side," she growled.
" You know sometimes it's good to listen to other people's opinions."
" Don't you remember?" groaned Jasmine." That's how I got hurt in the first place."
" It doesn't sound so bad tho..." replied May, sheepishly.
" See," replied Lief." She's not complaining."
Manus knocked on the wall post, they turned to him on the post was a dagger-scratched mark. It had four strokes that took shape of a bird.
" That mark..." Manus flapped arms.
" A bird?"
" What does it mean?" asked Jasmine.
" I know that mark now," murmured Barda." It the secret sign used by resistance fighters. They struggle against the tyranny of the Shadow Lord. So..."
"... So, their symbol is shaped as a bird flying freely in the sky," replied Lief." And since this mark is carved on this post. It means that the resistance group has been here too."
" So it seems..." muttered May.

Night came in when the group occupied the cabin. In the tub, Jasmine sighed in relief as she let the hot water overwhelm her. May sat nearby washing her wounds' infection.
" Why didn't you say anything?" asked Jasmine. May looked up and then shrugged.
" Surely you wanted to keep on traveling."
" Of course."
" Then explain to me, why." May looked down at her wound and giggled.
" Isn't great?" Jasmine gave a questioning look.
" They must of been very worried. It's nice to think they're doing it for our sakes. Don't you think so?" Jasmine went under, bubbled floating to the surface. Her face red from the heat.
" Well, I guess so..." May smiled with gratitude, then returned to her wounds. With some final touches, she left the room.
" Do you need help?" asked May. She watched Barda, chopping up the ingredients left in the cupboard.
" I think I'll be fine," he replied." You rest."
" I don't think so." She rolled up her sleeves." I better make myself useful."
May started helping with chopping the vegetables finely and turned to the pot soon after.
" I feel bad," said Barda.
" Don't be."
" Aaaah. This is so delicious!" replied Lief, patting his stomach." I think the two of you should be in charge of cooking from now on."
" I will take that as a compliment," mused May, sitting down. Barda grunted.
" And you were right telling us to rest and stay here, good call Manus," complimented Lief. Manus nodded. Jasmine walked in, looking down.
" But..."
" Yes... I'm worried about Raladin, too," replied Barda.
" But why would the Shadow Lord be interested in them anyways?" asked Lief.
" He knew that the ralads with clever and strong workers. I'm sure he wanted to make them slaves when he took the land," said Barda." When the ralads heard that the Shadow Lord had his eyes fixed on their village. Manus went to Del for help, thinking he could find the strongest resistance group there."
" I see..."
" But any resistance group in Del was crushed a long time ago."
" No way," cried Lief." I know it still exists. They may be hiding, but I think there are many people would fight against the Shadow Lord."
" Lief's right," said Jasmine." I'm sure there are members of the resistance protecting Raladin even now."
" That's why we need to go," said Barda. May smirked in response.
" Then it's settled, we'll leave bright and early tomorrow. But before I go to bed, do you want to hear another story?"
They all nodded eagerly, while Manus tilted his head in confusion.
" We get to listen to her stories, they're very interesting. You should listen to one too," implied Lief. Manus just nodded and sat in a comfortable position.
" Well, I don't have a good memory. I can't really think of any stories. But I will make one up along the way." Many flashbacks occurred in her head and she sighed.
" Okay... A young lady had a lot of heroes she admired as little girl because one fatal accident. These heroes were well known due to the years, before they were forgotten. But this girl didn't forget tho, it was in a few years when a bunch of villains bombed into a particular award ceremony. The heroes she admired came out of the mist and defeated the villains. Before anyone knew what happened, they all disappeared."
There was silence in the room. May felt a tug on her sleeve and she looked down to see Manus clinging on to her. She smiled.
" The girl was hurt and her heroes rescued her from that place and took her to a better place. These days she spends her time with heroes without any regrets."
" Interesting," muttered Lief." Do you perhaps, know her?" May stirred.
"... Hm?" Her body felt like it was drowsing and she knew talked too much." I think I'm getting... another dizzy spell." Manus held her tight, helping her up.
" Sorry, guys."
" Don't feel bad. You go rest," gestured Barda. May nodded.
" Good-night." The others watched her faded into the darkness of the cabin. May leaned against the bed, thinking over of the things that happened today. She smiled, unconsciously. Her eyes gradually closed and she let sleep overtake her. Hours pasted by and her eyes instantly open baffled.

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