Chapter 6: Truth and Lies

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May was more than halfway across the bridge, her heart was beating so hard the chasm could echo it. Her heart was screaming. She wanted to tell Lief to run away, but knew she couldn't. The only thing she could do was to run to him. She had watched the giant, dangerously, hold Lief up by the neck, as he struggling.  So he really got his answer wrong, she thought, weeping. She slowed down into a steady pace, knowing she was already too late. In the end she decided to catch up with him at least.

On the other side, Lief was struggling to free himself." The question was not fair!" he shouted." You tricked me! How could I know what Thaegan likes to eat?"
" What you know and what you don't know is not of my concern," said the giant of the bridge. He raised the sword higher, 'till its curved blade was on level with Lief's neck.
"No!" Cried Lief." Wait!"
At this moment of terror, his only thought was for the Belt of Deltora (which he has not explained to May and not did he want to... yet) and the topaz fixed to it.
If he did nothing to prevent it, this golden-eyed giant would surely find the belt after he was dead, take it from his body- and perhaps give it to Thaegan. Then all Deltora will be lost to the Shadow Lord forever.
I must throw the Belt over the cliff, he thought desperately. I must make sure Barda and Jasmine see me do it. Then they will have some chance of finding it again. I can delay him until I can do...
" You're a tricker and a deceiver!" he cried, slipping his hands under his shirt, feeling for the Belt's fastening." Not wonder you were doomed to guard this bridge until truth and lies are one!" As he had hoped, the giant paused. Anger brightened his golden eyes. The giant tossed Lief to the ground, like a helpless toy.
"My suffering was not justly earned," he spat." It was for pure spite that Thaegan took my freedom and cursed me, to be tied to this piece of earth!"
"Lief!" There was a voice calling his name, that was coming distinctly from the bridge. Lief turned his head, in curiosity.
" Are you okay?"  With her blonde hair sweeping by her sides, he knew instantly it was May, she bent to Lief's level, who was at the edge of the rocky walls. But he was stunned.
" What are you doing here?" he heaved, shocked.
" I came for you, Lief. I knew you were going to get in a bit of trouble," replied May.
" You shouldn't have come here, its not..." Lief paused for a moment, as an idea popped in his head.
" Can you do something for me?"
"Alright," muttered Lief." Then I need you to fetch Barda for me". May looked at him, confused.
" Okay... But why?"
" Hurry, I don't have much time," said Lief in a low voice, glancing at the giant, who was staring daggers at the two of them. May didn't seem to notice, and was unaffected by it.
She stood up, and ran back onto the bridge, surprisingly the giant didn't finch a bit, and signalled Barda. Lief planned for the Belt to be thrown to Barda, while he still had a chance. The giant started to talk again." If you are so interested in truth and lies, we will play another game." Lief's fingers froze on the belt. But the flicker of hope, that had flared in his heart faded and died with the enemy's next words.
" We will play a game to decide which way you will die," said the giant.
" You may say one thing, and one thing only. If what you say is true, I will strangle you. If what you say is false, I will cut off your head."
" So you're going to win either way?" squeaked Lief.
" That is correct," replied the giant. Lief bent his head, pretending to consider, while his fingers struggled with the Belt's catch. The fastening was stiff. And would not open. His hands pressed against the topaz- so hard- won, and soon to be lost, if he did not hurry.
" I am waiting," said the guardian of the bridge." Make your statement".
True or false? Was it better to be beheaded or strangled? Better to be neither, Lief thought grimly. And then, in a blinding flash, the most wonderful idea came to him. He looked up boldly at the waiting giant.
" You will cut off my head," he said clearly. The giant hesitated.
" Well?" cried Lief." Did you hear my statement? Is it true of false?".
He smiled to himself, because he knew his enemy would have no answer.
For if the statement was true, the giant was bound to strangle him, making it false. And if the statement was false, the giant was bound to cut off his head, making it true.
And even as he wondered how in his panic he had managed to think, the tall figure before him have a deep, shuddering sigh. Then Lief's eyes widened and he cried out in shock. For the giant flesh had began rippling, melting-changing shape. Brown feathers were sprouting from his skin. His legs were shrinking and his feet were spreading, becoming talons. His powerful arms and shoulders were dissolving and deforming themselves into great wings. His curved sword was becoming a fierce, hooked beak. And in moments the giant was gone, and a huge proud bird with golden eyes stood, on a cliff, in his place. With a triumphant cry, it spread their wings and soared into the air, joining other birds swooping and gliding in the wind. Then Lief remembered.
It is my doom to guard this bridge, until true and lies are one.
Lief stared, trembling all over. He could hardly believe what had happened, and he wasn't the only one. May looked shocked, but smiled in sight. Jasmine and Barda, on the other side, saw what had happened too and watched in amazement. The guardian of the bridge had been a bird, forced by Thaegan's magic into giant form. It had been bound to the earth by her spite as surely as if it had been chained. And his trick answer had broken Thaegan's spell. He had only thought of saving his only life, but he had broken Thaegan's spell, without realising it.
A sound broke through his racing thoughts. He glanced at the bridge and to his horror, saw it was starting to crumble. Without thinking further, he leaped for it, seizing the rope railing with both hands and running, running as he had never imagined he could, over the fearful gap. May was in a similar position, but because she was in the near middle running across, the bridge swayed back and forth slowing her down and Lief had started to catch up. He could see Barda and Jasmine standing on the edge of the cliff ahead of him, holding out their arms. He could hear their voices shrieking to him. Behind him, planks rattled together as they slipped from their rope ties and plunged into the river, far below. Soon the rope itself would give away. He knew it. Already it was growing slack. The bridge was sagging, swinging sickening as he ran.
All he could think of was to run faster. He was half-way across, and he could not run fast enough. now the planks under his feet, were slipping--slipping away.
He was tumbling, dropping, the rope burning nowhere to put his feet. And as he hung there, helpless and buffeted by the wind, the planks in front of them- the planks that were his only pathway to safety- began slithering sideways, falling to the river down below. He looked up, and saw May dangling in mid-air.
But her eyes were sealed and her face was deathly pale. She had fainted, and every second, she was loosening her grip to life.
Painfully, hand over hand, he began swinging himself along the sagging ropes that were all that remained of the bridge, trying not to think of what was below him, what would happen if he lost his grip. I am play a game in Del, he told himself feverishly, ignoring the pain of his straining wrists. There is a muddy ditch just below my feet. My friends are watching me, and will laugh at me if I fall. All I have to do is keep on going- hand over hand.He finally reached May who was in seconds, going to let go. Lief stretched his arms out to grab her. But, he was already too late, the tip of her fingers lost its grip and she was falling, gently. Lief felt the belt around his waist flickering, before dimming. Growing colder and colder and he could feel it. With curiously, he quickly grabbed May, who dangled in mid-air. Her eyes began to flutter. Soon she realised she no longer standing on solid ground. She looked up and saw Lief holding a right firm on her arm.
She smiled, gratefully, but Lief wasn't. His face was strained with sweat and every second he was losing more of his strength. May realised the pain he was going through and gave a depressing frown.
"Lief, I know that the bridge can't hold the two of us," she whispered, shakily." So please just let..."
"No!" Lief cried." I won't do it. It's strange how the belt suddenly reacted to you as you started to fall," he murmured, mostly to himself. Looking at May's confused face, he realised his mistake and immediately turned away. But with a flushed face, he turned back to look at her right in the eye.
" Besides I don't leave any of my friends behind for my sake".
May just nodded, to not to ruin his ego. Lief started to haul her up, which was very easy- due to the fact, May weighted very little compared to Lief. She grabbed the nearest dangling rope with her free hand.
" Now, follow everything I do," ordered Lief. May nodded. Using the last amount of energy he had left, he went swinging himself across, tiredly. May copied his very move, following him very slowly, gaining more grip on each swing.The bridge wobbled and shaked. Big drops of sweat rained down the two of them. They kept this going, until...
Suddenly, they felt a jolt, they knew that the ropes had come loose from the cliff-face behind them. Instantly, they were swinging forward, hurling towards the bare, hard rock of the cliff. In seconds, they would slowly slam against it. May heard Lief scream and the screams of Barda and Jasmine floating in the air. She felt the wind against her face, and she grinned. She hurled her legs forward, in a crutching position, waiting for the impact. Looking over to Lief, his eyes were screwed shut... Then with a rush, something big had swooped under him, and the sickening swing stopped and he felt a warm softness on his face, against his arms. He was being lifted up- up- and the beating of mighty wings was heard more in his ears than the wind.
May, unfortunately, hit the rocks below. But Lief didn't hesitate. He didn't move on inch. He had his eyes closed, he had fainted. He felt that he was being clutched by eager hands, and tumbled into the dust of solid ground. His ears were ringing. He could hear shouting, laughing voices that seemed very far away. But, when he opened his eyes, he saw that Jasmine and Barda were leaning over him, and it was they who were shouting, with relief and joy. He sat up, weak and dizzy, clutching the ground to stable himself. His eyes met the golden eyes of the great bird that, but unless for him, would still be the earth bound guardian of the bridge.
You have me back my life. It's eyes seemed to say. I have saved your life, but my gratitude will always be towards you and our friends and I will always be at your service.
Before he could speak, the bird nodded once, spread its wings and soared away. Lief watched as it joined its companions once more and flew with them, wheeling and shrieking, away along the chasm, into the distance and out of sight. He looked at Barda and Jasmine in delight, but it soon faded when he realised that May was missing, he was startled.
" Where's she?!" He cried. Barda and Jasmine suddenly looked away, their faces, ashamed.
" Don't tell me she's-!"

Deltora Quest Fanfic~ The Arrival * Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now