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Fall. Nice season. It's neither so warm or so cold. From time to time, a light breeze blows Harry Osborn and Peter Parker's hair. They threw stones at the river and spoke. They were trying to make up for the years they hadn't seen each other. They missed each other a lot.

A few meters away from them, a girl sat on the stones and read the book she was holding without noticing the boys. "Do you know her?" Amazed by her beauty asked Harry. "Don't even try, she'll smash you like a bug!" Peter laughed. "What did you say her name was?" Harry ignored his friend's comment. "I didn’t." Harry finally peeled off his eyes from the girl and turned to Peter. "Now is the time to say it. I'm missing my moment, bro!"
"Her name is Y/N Y/L/N, she's my best friend. She was first in the school in all subject. She's smarter than you and me put together."

"That's a lot if we mean we're pretty smart." They both burst into laughter. "This is called tremendous self-esteem." Peter patted on Harry's shoulder still laughing. "Without self-esteem, you can't. Wish me luck!" Harry said and walked towards the girl who didn't suspect anything.

She didn't have time to fall in love. She was more interested in her studies, whether she could pay her rent, what would she eat. She had problems. She's never been interested in boys. She always thought they were a waste of time.

Harry sat next to her, but she ignored him. She didn't even noticed him. A light breeze blowed Y/N's hair and she got cold. Harry noticed this and put his coat on her shoulders. Y/N finally noticed his presence and turned to him. He gave her one of his special looks that usually made every girl fall in love with him. It didn't seem to work because she slapped him and walked away setting up the coat on the ground.

Harry just looked at her amazed. Peter sat next to Harry laughing. If a look could kill, Parker would be dead by now. "Help me! I think I fell in love with her." Harry stood up took a pebble and threw it into the sea. "I have an idea, buddy." Peter stood up next to him. "Y/N needs a job, offer it to her."

"She'll never accept it!"

"I'm going to tell her I got her a job today, and she's auditioning tomorrow. All you have to do is choose what she's going to do."

"All right, tomorrow, when can you come?"

" I'll write to you when we're in front of the building!"

That same day later in the evening

"Y/n, Y/n I got you a job! "Peter started pretending after Y/n opened the door.

" No way! "The girl rejoiced without suspecting anything.

" I'm going to take you to the audition tomorrow! "

" Where will it be? "

" Oscorp! "

"No fucking way! Oscorp! Awesome!I'm going to be able to see Gwen more! "

Unlived love (Harry Osborn X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now