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One year. I've been held in this prison for a year. It's a good feeling that Y/n cured me or I already had to go green.

I couldn't wait to see her, i get in my car and head to her apartment. During the road on the radio began her song 505 by Arctic Monkeys. I bought flowers from a nearby store and went up the stairs to her apartment. I knocked on the door but an unknown woman opened instead of Y/n.

"Is Y/n here?" I tried to see something behind the woman, the decor was changed. "Who?"

"Y/n she lives here."

"We've been living here for a year and I can call Mrs May she owns the flat."The woman pulled the phone out of her pocket." No thank you. Sorry to bother you. "I turned around and went down the stairs.

I got in my car and called Peter, he needs to know something." Peter, why are there strangers in Y/n's apartment? "

" I can't explain it to you on the phone, come to my house. "Peter said. I hung up the phone and threw it in the seat next to me. Y/n used to sit there.

I got to Peter's and he invited me to sit in the kitchen to talk." What's going on? "I asked.

"i don't know much! Y/n left only one letter and left. It's hard to say, but I think she killed herself because of you. "Peter said worryingly. I spit out the water I was drinking.

" What? "

" I don't know what happened between you two in prison, but it must have ruined her. "

" Shit! She killed herself because of me? SHE KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF ME! "My hands started shaking. I couldn't hold back my tears. The only person I've ever cryed about. She's the right one for me, and I let her go.

" Harry! HARRY! "I heard Peter's voice before it all blacked out.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Aunt May's face." Peter, he's awake! Harry, are you okay? You slept all day, we were just about to take you to the hospital." Aunt May helped me get up and handed me a glass of water.

"I am fine. Peter said about a letter, can I see it?"

"Of course, wait here!" Aunt May left the room and moments later returned carrying a crumpled piece of paper.

She handed it to me, and I started to read. It said:

Dear Aunt May.
I just want you to know that I love you and Peter. In the envelope you will find a documemt. I'm giving my apartment to you. You can rent it out or you can live here. Just give all my books to Peter. I'm leaving. I don't know if I want to leave this town or the whole world forever. If you're reading this, I'm either dead or i'm too far away.
   This part is for Peter.
Peter Parker don't you dare cry! Just so I know you've shed even a tear for me I'il come and beat you up. I love you and beware.

  Always yours Y/n Y/l/n

"Maybe she's not dead. This is where she wrote that she could be a far away. Maybe she wants to be happy?" I've thought about what I've read, but she probably wants to be away from me. I broke her heart. "I'd better go if you find out anything, call me." I got up and took my jacket and left.

I went to the first place I saw her.On the river. In one hand I held a bottle of brandy in the other picture of us on which we are happy. I'd give anything to get those moments back.

Y/n was dead. Otherwise, in a year Peter would have found her, he's spider-man. I killed two beautiful girls. I ruined Peter's relationship and then mine. Where was my mind? How am I going to forgive myself? How Peter forgave me?

"Hey, buddy, you could've called me over for a drink." Peter sat next to me. "How did you know I was here?" I took a big sip of the bottle. "It's close to the mind." Peter took the bottle out of my hand and drank some. "How you forgave me for what I did?" I asked, looking at the sea. "If I did the same thing, would you forgive me?"

"Of course, you're my best friend. I'il always be there for you."

"I forgave you for that."

"Thanks bro. You're the last one I have left." I took the bottle and took a sip.

"Pull yourself together! Do you want
Y/n to see you falling apart?" Peter did the same thing. "It's just hard!"

"I've been living the same thing for a year. I was looking everywhere she wanted us to go when she was little. I didn't find her. Maybe she jumped off those rocks. Maybe she jumped out of the building. We must learn to live without her."

"To live without her! Sounds like hell to me." I lay down. "I always wanted to watch the stars with her!" I looked up at the night sky. It was beautiful not as beautiful as she was, but it was still beautiful. I looked up at my left side. For a moment, I pictured Y/n lying next to me looking at the stars. "Y/n."

"Y/n? Harry, are you okay? Y/n's gone."

"No i'm not! I told her to learn to live without me I told her that i don't love her anymore. I lied. I was afraid of losing her. And I lost her." I stood up and started yelling at Peter like it was his fault. He also stood up and punched me. "Pull yourself together, Harry! You can't go like this. Why don't we start looking for her again?" He yelled back. "Sorry Peter. Let's do anything to find her."

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