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I was helping Y/n write the invitations to the guests. I'm helping her write invitations to her wedding with someone else. It's like a nightmare, I can't wait to wake up.

The wedding was after a day. Jacob won. The place was booked and decorated. After all, I was glad for Y/n that she was happy even if she wasn't with me.

What would I do after they got married? Move on? Nah. I'il probably be an alcoholic and kill myself in a week.

"Y/n, are you sure you don't want us to run away?" I said looking suspiciously at Jacob. "Yes, Harry. You have to understand that I'm going to marry him no matter what."

"But he is gay!"

"No he's not."

I raised an eyebrow and she nodded. "i hope he's not." she added. We both laughed. "After all, consider my proposal!"

"I will Harry, i will" Her smile warmed my heart. "Come! Let's take a walk." I pulled her by the arm.

Their house was close to the beach so we went there. We took off our shoes and walked near the water. "Where did you meet Jacob? In the gay bar?"

"Harry! Stop it." She punched me slightly on the chest.

"What? Can't you see it? I've had gay friends and he's acting just like them."

"Maybe he's gay to others and straight for me?" she laughed.

"Maybe!" I lifted my shoulders. Y/n stopped in one place. I raised an eyebrow. She left her shoes on the ground and ran to the sea. "Are you coming or are you scared?" I threw my shoes to the ground and ran towards her. When I got into the water, she started spraying me. "Is that how we're going to play? Okay!"
I grabbed her and lifted her up, went a little deeper and let her go. Shit! Y/n started sinking, started waving her arms. I approached her and she plunged me underwater.

"How did you fall for it?" She started laughing. "I thought you were drowning." I put my hands on my wet hair to fix it a little. "I can swim you deadass."

"Yes, I get it!" My heart was still beating fast.

"Excuse me, can we take a picture of you?" A woman and a man shouted from the shore. Y/n and I exchanged confused glances. We came out of the sea and stood up next to them. "You look like a very happy couple. Can we take a picture of you for our yearbook?" The man asked us and lifted his camera.

"Oh, we're not..."

"Of course you can. We would love to." I hugged Y/n from the waist.

"Okay, can you kiss for the photo?" the Lady asked.

I put both hands on y/n's waist and pulled her towards me and kissed her. I don't know where these people came from, but i'm okay with that.

"Okay, now hold hands and just run." the Lady said and we did it.

The man handed us two pictures. On the first we kissed the other we were in the water and splashed. "Thanks" we said. "Never break up. You are created for each other." The woman said she and her husband left.

Y/n and I sat on the sand. Slowly the sun was setting. "The sunset is so beautiful!" She propped her head on my shoulder. "Not as beautiful as you, but it's still beautiful!" I said and picked up a strand of hair behind her ear. "Harry, when are you going to stop complimenting me?" She looked me in the eyes. She was blushing again. I made her blush, it made me happy. "I'm just telling the truth." I stroked her cheek. "Jacob never compliments me." y/n lay on the ground using my lap as pillow. I noticed a bruise under her eye. The makeup she wore was erased because of the sea. I kissed the bruise. Y/n just smiled. She didn't understand why I was doing it.


The wedding was today. All the guests had taken their seats. I was sitting at the front. The ceremony started, and when it was Y/n's turn to talk, I got up from my seat and got in the car. I didn't want to hear her saying 'yes'. I didn't want to see him kissing her.

I put my head on the wheel. I heard the door open and close. I looked at the passenger seat that's where Y/n sat. "Harry, does your offer still apply?" she asked.

"Run away together? Yes, of course."

"Then start the car and let's get out of here right now." She pressed the door locker. "What are you waiting for?"

I looked out the window, Jacob was running this way. Peter had opened the champagne and he and Aunt May were drinking. I didn't wait any longer to start the car and pressed the gas to the end.

"What happened? I thought you told me you were going to marry Jacob at any cost." i laughed.

"I can't take it without you. And a year with Jacob was like hell enough for me. I want to be happy."

"Does this mean that"

"Yes we are together again!" She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"We're going back to New York, aren't we?" i asked. "It doesn't matter!"

Y/n and I were getting off my private jet and getting in the car to take her home.

I opened the door wide for her and she went inside. With that bridal dress, it looks pretty hard.

"I'm finally home." Y/n said after entering the living room. "What happened here?" She asked when she saw the mess. "My depression." I scratched my neck. "You're going to clean up here!" She looked at me seriously. "Help me with the zipper." She turned around and waited me to take off the zipper on her dress. "Thanks!" She kissed me after I did it. "I can finally breathe." She left the dress on the ground and walked out of the room leaving me amaized. I followed her and she was just going into the bathroom. "Are you coming?"

"And you're asking?" i smirked and I went after her.

*Y/n's povs*

I helped Harry to undress and set up the water. I went into the shower cubicle and closed the door after Harry. I let him wash my body with a dusgel. Then he washed my hair with shampoo. I did the same thing and we went out.

Since I didn't have my clothes here, I put on a T-shirt of his. He only wore a tracksuit. We lay on the bed and he threw the blanket on us. "I think we have Harry Potter to watch." he smirked. "Only if you promise you won't cry!" I put my head on his shoulder and one leg on him. "Fine!" he rolled his eyes. I moved comfortable and we played the movie.

"If you move one more time, we won't be able to watch the movie!" Harry said hoarsely. To piss him off, I moved even more. "You wished for it yourself." He climbed on top of me. He lifted my shirt up and slowly get into me. I couldn't hold on, so I moaned. "Did you miss me, Y/n?"


"Use words, darling!"


"Do you want me to keep going?"

"Yes, Harry."

He rushed at the pace, and I could barely hold on to not finish. He came out of me, making me sigh angry. He went down and licked the place. I twisted my back because of the pleasure.

At the morning I woke up with severe pain between the legs. Harry was gone. I tried to stand up but my legs didn't hold me. Then Harry walked in with a tray in his hands. "Where'd you go? Lie down!" He sat next to me. "And if I want to, I won't be able to go anywhere. Because of you." i rolled my eyes.

" You weren't complaining yesterday." he smirk.

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