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Harry was outside my apartment waiting for me in his white lambo. I got inside the car. "Good morning Harry." I kissed him. Something was wrong, he seemed kind of sad "Morning darling." He hit the gas and we left. "What's wrong?" I looked at him sadly. "My father died." Harry said looking at the road. "He never loved me, or at least didn't make me feel loved, but he's still my father. Well, was."

"I'm so sorry, Harry." I was really sorry. I knew what it was like for your father to treat you like that. "It's not your fault." He put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it. Why did I feel like something else had happened?

I got off shortly before the building so no one could see us together. I walked into Oscorp and got in the elevator. The doors just before they closed, a man walked in. "Hey." The unknown man said. "Hi!"

"I'm Dr. Hudson. But you can call me Brynne." He handed his hand and I shook it. "Y/n Y/L/N. Nice to meet you!" The elevator doors opened and Harry sat there. "See you, Y/n" Brynne said and left. "See you." i said.

Harry angrily walked into the elevator and the doors closed. He pressed the top floor button and put his hands on my waist, pressing me against him. He started kissing me aggressively. "Harry, you broke the rules from day one." I said breathless.

"I'm sorry, just"He really seemed angry." Are you mad because I was in the elevator with Dr. Hudson? " i laughed." Someone's jealous. "

" No i'm not! "He grabbed me by the waist."The elevator is made of glass anyone can see us." I tried to push him, but he held me tight. "Don't worry, darling." He bent down to kiss me but the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I went out and headed to my office. "Where are you going, Miss Y/l/n. Aren't you coming to our office?" I stopped and went after him. "Sometimes you make me nervous." I whispered as I walked into the room.

"This is good." he smirked. Harry was slowly approaching me and I was moving away. Until my ass leaned onto his glass desk. Harry grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up so I could sit on the table. He came so close that there was no space between us even to pass a small fly. "Mr Osborn what we need to do today?" I put my hands on his neck. "We need to review the folders, and we have a meeting in ten minutes in the meeting room." He leaned over to kiss me, but I jumped off the table."What? Shit! You should've told me!"

"Relax! We'll just talk about what we're going to do since my father died, and I'm going to take his place."

We headed to the meeting room or the room where I came to audition. All the seats were filled except for two, one was Harry's place at the top of the table and on his right side for me. We sat in our seats and Harry put his feet on the table. Very disrespectful! I was going to talk to him about it later.

"Since my father died, I'm your new boss. For those who don't know Miss Y/n y/l/n. She's my personal assistant she works for me and all of you for her."


My first day at Oscorp was nothing so special. It was time to go home and Harry decided to go to his place.

He lived in a pretty big house. You'd get lost here. We went to the living room. There was a type of floor-to-ceiling windows. Normal things that every living room has, but it's times more expensive than necessary. The only thing that came to me more interesting was the little coffee table, which was full of different types of alcohol. Besides this table there was also a glass cabinet full of alcohol.

"You want to have a drink?" Harry noticed my interest and in a glass filled brandy. "I'm not into alcohol, it's just weird how much you have." He just nodded and sat on the couch. He drank all the contents of the glass in one breath.

He patted the place next to him and I sat down. He put the brandy back and hugged me over my shoulders. "I really like you, Y/n." Harry kissed my forehead.
" Thank you, Harry." I moved closer to him. "Why don't you put on my clothes?" Harry stood up and pulled me by the arm after him.

There was a huge bed in his room. Two bedside tables on both sides and a TV opposite the bed and two doors leading to a toilet and a walk-in closet.

Harry walked into the closet and returned holding his T-shirt and boxers. "I'm waiting for you outside." He came out and closed the door behind him. I changed and left my clothes on his bed. I went out and he was really waiting for me.

"You look great." He looked at me from head to toe. I couldn't help but blush. This happens very rarely, but here you go. "Thanks Harry!" i smiled. "Let's watch something! Wait for me in the living room." He walked into his bedroom.

I did what he told me to do, and I went back to the living room. I noticed a picture of his family. Harry was still a child. His mother had hugged him tightly, and his father was still looking cold with no expression in his eyes.

"Did you choose what to watch?" Wow! How this man amazed me all the time? His official suit was gone. Instead he was wearing black boots, black jeans, black T-shirt and black leather jacket. It looked amazing!

"What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?" He took the remote and sat on the couch. "Nothing! I'm just enjoying the amazing man sitting in front of me."I sat next to him."Let's watch, Harry Potter! "I took the remote out of his hands." I'm not going to watch this children shit! "Harry reached out to get the remote, but I stood up." You will! " i kissed him." For nothing in the world! "


" No! Dobby. "Harry hugged me even more. "Are you seriously crying?" I put my hands on both sides of his face to look at me. "Dobby died! How can you not cry?" He buried his face in my neck, wetting it from his tears. "And you was mad because we were going to watch Harry Potter." I rubbed his back. "How am I supposed to know it's going to be so good?" He finally stopped crying and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were red from so much roar.

After watching the movie, Harry and I agreed to go to dinner tomorrow after work.

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