Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

The sunlight was beaming down on them as they waited in the long que to enter the Lockwood mansion for the celebration. Elena was wearing the light green dress she had bought with her mother and had her long brown hair half up and half down. Her arm was linked with Damon who looked better then usual in a suit with a black tie.

 It was a long wait but eventually Elena and Damon were at the front.

“Nice to see you Elena. Whose your friend?” The wife of the mayor Carol Lockwood asked.

“This is Damon Salvatore.” Elena replied smiling.

“Nice to meet you Damon, why don’t you both head inside.”

Elena watched as Damon’s foot stepped through the door and let out the breath she didn’t even realize she had been holding. She wasn’t sure if that had been a direct enough invitation to get in the house. When you were dating a vampire it didn’t take long to figure out everything you need to know about them.

There were already lots of people filling the house and the backyard but the real party didn’t begin until nightfall. In previous years Elena had always come to this party with her parents and Jeremy and usually ended up sitting in a corner bored. Caroline was the only friend she had that was at the founders party on a regular basis so they were always nights surrounded by adults. But tonight she had Damon and knowing him she definitely wouldn’t get bored.

The day passed quickly, Elena smiled and talked to some of the people she recognized and introduced Damon to them. There was never a moment that they got to talk alone as there were always people flocking to them.

The sun was beginning to set when Damon suggested they go look at the historical display to get away from the crowds. Elena followed him into the thankfully empty room with a sigh of relief.

The room was filled with stuff that was lent to the Lockwood’s for this evening. Elena knew for a fact that in the glass case by the window there were two wedding rings that had belonged to her great great grandparents and a gold pocketwatch that had belonged to Johnathon Gilbert who was one of the original settlers in Mystic Falls.

She felt Damon’s hand grab hers and turn to smile up at him, at times like this she could almost forget that he was a vampire, everything just felt so normal. Their faces were moving closer together like the two opposite ends of the magnet. A second before their lips met someone cleared their throat loudly in an attempt to get their attention.

Elena immediately jumped away from Damon while keeping a firm grip on his hand. When she turned to see who was at the door she saw Stefan Salvatore leaning against the wall. If looks could kill she was pretty sure Stefan would have already murdered his brother with the look he was giving him. This didn’t seem to faze Damon who only looked annoyed that they had been interrupted.

“Do you need something brother?” Damon asked gently pulling Elena closer to him.

“Of course not Damon, I just thought I would look at some of Mystic Falls’s history. I heard they have the original guest list of the very first founders party. Ah- here it is.” Stefan replied gesturing to a very old piece of parchment hanging in a large frame on the wall.

Stefan strode over to the parchment and began reading off the names, “Bill Forbes, Rachel Lockwood, Johnathon Gilbert, Damon Salvatore...hmm that name seems familiar doesn’t it Elena?” Stefan asked.

Elena narrowed her eyes at Stefan, he knew that she knew that both he and Damon were vampires so what exactly was he trying to accomplish? He didn’t look like he had when she first met him, then he had seemed calm, somewhat brooding but otherwise normal. But now he was maniac, and self destructive maybe it was because she already knew but when she looked at him all she could think of was vampire.

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