Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

            “Actually it was Elijah I met first, I had been living alone barely getting by and he offered me accommodations. It was awhile before I finally met his brother, but of course after I did I never stopped seeing him. It wasn’t long before I thought that he was in love with me and I knew that I was infatuated with him. Klaus can be very charming if he wants.” Katherine explained.

            “I had myself convinced that I was going to live the rest of my life with him, but then I found out what he was and what he planned to do with me. With the help of a vampire named Trevor who had fallen in love with me I stole the moonstone and fled for my life. I will not bore you with details of my escape but those who helped me even if it was by accident are either dead or still running from the wrath of Klaus.

            When faced with the problem of someone trying to return me to Klaus I tried to kill myself, however the woman who wanted to bring me back noticed the wound and fed me her blood to heal it. While her back was turned I killed myself, when I woke I fed on the old woman who lived in their home and began to run again, that time as a vampire. It was the only way to escape Klaus.

            It wasn’t long before I decided to return to Bulgaria, I missed my family dearly and even if they no longer loved me I wanted to see them. However when I got to the small farm that had been my family’s home for generations there were the bodies of our servants everywhere I looked. It didn’t take me long to find the bodies of my family, they were all drained of blood. Klaus tracked down my family and killed them because I ran, it was his revenge. Even now he still searches for me, now that I’m a vampire my blood is useless for breaking the curse but he looks for me so that he can kill me. Very vengeful he is.”

            “That’s what Elijah meant when he said that my loved one’s were in danger. If I run like you did he will kill every single one of them.” Elena muttered shaking her head in disbelief.

            Katherine nodded, “if Elijah was able to find you I’m sure Klaus isn’t far behind. So unless you want to be killed so your blood can be spilt onto a rock I suggest that you make yourself scarce. It has never been good to be a Petrova doppelganger.”

            Elena shook her head, “no I’m not like you. If I run everyone I love dies, I’m not that selfish.”

            “You see I was that selfish, it was better they die than I.” Katherine said with a laugh that echoed through the cellar.

Everyone stared at Elena and she finished recounting everything she had learned that day. After talking to Katherine she had gathered them all in the sitting room so she could fill them in because she knew that there was no way she would be able to deal with everything on her own. She told them about what Mason had told her when he kidnapped her, her suspicions about Caroline and what both Elijah and Katherine had told her. Now she was just waiting to see how they would all react.

“Are you sure that they are telling the truth? I mean from what I’ve heard about Katherine she definitely doesn’t seem like the type to tell the truth and Elijah seems pretty shifty as well.” Stefan said when the silence started to get unbearable.

Elena shook her head, “they are not lying, why would they? Everything about it makes sense, why Katherine had Mason looking for the moonstone, maybe his family had it. That way once she had it she would have everything she needed to break the spell, the moonstone, a werewolf, Caroline who she turned to be the vampire and me. All she needed was a witch, maybe she thought that Klaus would be willing to strike a deal if she gave him everything he needed to break the curse. There is no way she would do all that just to mess with me.”

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