Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

            “Damon, we need to talk.”

            Damon turned around to see Bonnie standing just where the rickety staircase ended. After Sadie had barged into the house and announced that they were actually going to try and reverse time he had gone down to the cellar to see Elena. He had been looking through the bars as she just laid on her back and stared up at the ceiling.

            “Not here,” Damon replied.

            He brushed past Bonnie and walked up the narrow staircase. As he led her back into the now empty living room he never looked back to see if she was following as he could hear her footsteps the entire way.

            “What did you need to talk about?”

            Bonnie looked at him hesitantly and looked as though she would rather be anywhere else but here talking to him. Even though she would have probably rather walked out of the door she said, “I read the page in the grimoire that Sadie was talking about, you know the spell that reverses time?”

            Damon nodded impatiently, “I know what spell you’re talking about Bonnie. Why is it suddenly important for me to know everything you do?”

            “It’s not, but I do think it’s important for you to know what I read. The whole point of the spell is to go back and change something that happened, but the problem is that when you go back no one remembers anything. If we went back to the day before Elena became a vampire none of us not even her would remember her being a vampire.” Bonnie said.

            “If we don’t remember anything how are things supposed to change?” Damon asked.

            “According to the witch who cast the spell an exact replica of every chain of events would be impossible. She thought that once she went back it wouldn’t matter that she wouldn’t be able to alter events because they would alter themselves. Though I don’t really know if that worked because there is nothing written after she cast the spell.”

            “Why are you telling me this?” Damon asked.

            Bonnie sighed, “because as much as I hate the fact that you are a vampire I know you love Elena. And it’s going to be hard to control when we go back to, it might be a time before you even met and if that happens everything you guys had together will just be gone. I think you should know what you might be giving up before you agree to let us do the spell.”

            “You’re right, I do love her and that’s exactly why I’m still willing to go through with this. Even if you happen to go back to a time before I ever met her and we end up never being together she will still get to have a life. A human life instead of being a vampire who has no emotions.”

            For a moment there was just silence as the witch and the vampire looked at each other. In that moment an unspoken communication passed between them and they both realized they would be willing to do anything or give up anything to help the girl who was lying on the ground in the cellar.

            “I was hoping you would say something like that.” Bonnie said with a slight smile despite the fact that her eyes were swimming with tears.

            Damon just nodded his head and just like that all emotion that had been visible disappeared and he looked exactly like he always did. Without another word he turned and walked away and Bonnie listened as he descended the rickety staircase.

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