Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two

            “About time brother.”

            Elijah nodded to Klaus with a grim smile, “I am sorry if I have kept you waiting Niklaus.”

            “How many times do I have to tell you Elijah? Niklaus is the name my father gave me, I prefer Klaus.”

            “Yes, yes but you have to understand that you will always be Niklaus to me.” Elijah replied.

            Klaus raised an eyebrow but just shrugged, “so tell me Elijah, have you truly gathered everything necessary for me to break the curse?”

            “I did yes, but there have been some complications.” Elijah said calmly.

            A growl formed at the back of Klaus’s throat before he asked, “what sort of complications?”

            “Seems the loved ones of the doppelganger aren’t too keen on her dying. I had planned to use Katerina as the vampire but they helped her escape, so it seems that I’m short a vampire.” Elijah said with a small shrug.

            Klaus’s look of rage instantly transformed back into the one of excitement and he said, “well if that’s all? You know as well as I brother that vampires are only too easy to make.”

            Casually Klaus glanced around the empty park just in time to see a young girl emerging from one of the buildings across the street.

            “She will do nicely,” Klaus said before his body became nothing more than a blur.

            Elijah watched as his brother appeared seemingly out of nowhere beside the girl. She jumped when she first noticed him but relaxed when the streetlight allowed her to get a good look at him. Human girls were only too easy Elijah thought when he saw the hungry look on the girls face.

            Barely a minute had passed before Klaus raised his wrist to his mouth and used his teeth to rip a gash in it before pressing it to the girls mouth. Her protests were weak and feeble and in a blink of an eye he snapped her neck. She crumbled like a sack of potatoes and in one swift motion Klaus bent down and flung her over his shoulder.

            “She should wake up soon. I’m sure your witch would be fine with donating a bit of blood to get her through transition when she does. Now brother, lead me to my doppelganger.” Klaus said with a smile.

            Elena wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting there. The sky had gotten darker and darker while the moon only grew brighter. The silence of the night would have been serene if she had not been sitting there waiting to be sacrificed. Not to mention the occasional screams that were becoming more and more frequent always managed to break the tranquility.

            When she heard footsteps and the sound of twigs breaking she quickly got to her feet. She watched the general area where she had arrived her body full of apprehension. Every muscle was tense even though she neither planned to run or fight.

            After only a couple seconds two figures emerged from the trees. It was too dark to make any features out but it was easy for her to recognize Elijah. That meant the other must be Klaus, he had something slung over his shoulder and walked to the centre of the only empty circle left and dumped the body there.

            “How much longer until we are able to begin?” The man she knew to be Klaus asked as he walked over to where Elijah and Selena were standing by the makeshift pedestal. His voice had the same unrecognizable accent that Elijah had and if he wasn’t here to kill her Elena would have loved to sit down and have a conversation with him just to hear the accent.

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