Chapter 1- Found

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Wei Ying ran along the dark path filled with trees and bushes. He pushed past everything holding his arm tightly, It hurts, he thought bitterly. Never in his life had he actually felt so much pain.
His arm had broken at the fall along with a sprained wrist and multiple deep cuts. But that wasn't what hurt. The only thing that hurt was that he couldn't go back. He couldn't find his way back to Yunmeng or Gusu even.
He was desperate to see someone he knew. He felt the pain and fear of never seeing anyone again.
Jiang Cheng, or Yanli, even Lan Zhan.
He pushed the thought of never seeing them away and ran faster, ignoring the sharp pain that shot up his legs.
He stumbled over a log and fell face first into the grass. He winced and shakily stood up again, he saw a dim light ahead and gasped.
Maybe he had a chance.
Wei Ying leaned down and grabbed the piece of rock. When he had fallen, he was drawn to a strong energy coming from the rock. The energy was full of resentment but he felt drawn to it.
He called it the Stygian Tiger Amulet. Up to now he had built a flute from it, naming it Chenqing.
Wei Ying saw the light grow brighter and closer and panted as he ran. He arrived and saw an open field full of flowers.
He stumbled out and tried to catch his breath. He looked around and saw a few trees among the hills of grass and flowers.
A bit further on he saw three people walking. He smiled weakly, maybe he really could be saved.
He walked down the hill carefully until he could see the people well, he recognized them instantly.
It was his Senior Uncle, Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan, and Xue Yang.
Not having enough mental energy to think he raised his arm and weakly called out, "Uncle!"
Xingchen heard his voice and turned towards him.
Xue Yang noticed and asked, "What is it?"
"Uncle!" Wei Ying called out again.
"Wei Wuxian?" Song Lan asked, he turned to the other two and ran towards him.
They all got closer to the man, "Wei Wuxian?" Xingchen asked, gently holding the man's arm, "What happened?"
Wei Ying coughed a bit, a dark liquid spewing from his mouth. He leaned on Xingchen and whispered, "Wen Chao...Burial"
His eyes closed slowly and was held up by Xingchen.
The three men looked at each other, "Let's get him to a safe place," Song Lan said.
Xue Yang nodded, "Daozhang, do you want me to carry him?"
Xingchen shook his head, "It's alright, I can carry him." He picked up the young man and they all walked to down the hill.
They found a small, empty hut and walked in. They settled down and Xingchen began to tend to Wei Ying's injuries.
Song Lan found a bit of food and made some congee, Xue Yang helping him.
Xingchen finished with Wei Ying and walked out to where his partners were. "He's badly injured, but I'm sure he'll be fine after a while."
Xue Yang nodded, "Daozhang, come sit down. We finished the food."
"Thank you Ah-Yang, Zichen," Xingchen smiled softly and sat down.
Xue Yang gave him a bowl and leaned down to kiss him on the lips gently, "Hope it's good!"
Xingchen blushed a bit and nodded. He brought the spoon to his lips and blew on it softly before eating it.
He continued eating until he finished and began talking to Song Lan, "Zichen, has your cut healed?" He reached out a hand to grab Song Lan's hand and pulled it towards him gently.
Song Lan cleared his throat, "Um yes, thank you."
Xingchen nodded, "Good, by the way the food's good. What did you add to it this time?"
"Ginger," Song Lan said proudly.
"It's really good."
Xue Yang listened to their conversation with a smile before seeing someone at the corner of his eyes.
"Would you like to join us Wei Wuxian?" Xue Yang said out loud.
Song Lan and Xingchen turned around and heard a sigh from behind the door.
Wei Ying walked out from the room and saw them, "What happened?"
Xingchen stood up and brought him to the table, "Sit down first, we have enough food for you."
Wei Ying nodded and cautiously began eating. He began eating faster after realizing how long it's been since he's had proper food.
He finished the bowl and sighed in relief, "Thank you," he said. "Also, what happened between you three?"
"Oh um we're..." Xingchen turned a deep shade of red.
"We're together," Xue Yang said bluntly.
Wei Ying's eyes widened, "I'm sorry-what?"
Song Lan cleared his throat, "Let's not talk about this. What happened to you?"
Wei Ying looked away, "I was thrown into the Burial Mounds a few days ago."
"By who?" Xingchen asked.
"Wen Chao..." Wei Ying trembled, tears threatening to fall. He took a deep breath and began explaining everything from the very beginning.
The more he explained the harder it was to keep his composure. His voice began cracking until he was full on sobbing.
The others simply let him cry, they could tell he needed it. After he finished he was shaking and crying.
Only then did Xingchen get close and put his hand on the young man's shoulder. He murmured soft encouraging things before getting up and bringing Wei Ying a cup of water.
Wei Ying drank it before wiping his face, "I'm tired..." he whispered.
Song Lan nodded, "You should go rest."
Wei Ying nodded back and stood up wearily, before going back to the room and falling asleep.
"We should go rest too," Xingchen said. He walked to the other empty room where his lovers followed him.

The next day they were all traveling to Yiling town when they found an abandoned mansion. They decided to go inside and rest when the doors shut behind them.
  They all drew their swords but Wei Ying who lifted Chenqing.
  "Who's there?" Song Lan asked.
  Hearing no response they brushed it off and continued walking through the halls. Wei Ying entered a room, a library to be exact.
  The walls full of books and a torch in the middle of the room. Under the torch there was a table, on the table there was an open book.
  Wei Ying walked up to the table and looked at the book.
  It was open to a page talking about Demonic Cultivation.

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