Chapter 7:- Morning

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I woke up with a start, when the sound of my alarm blared into my room.I pressed the snooze button.  I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes, and found myself on my bed.

There I was on my bed with my blanket,  perfectly comfortable.  Sunlight shone in from the window.  Birds chirruped, as I was just sitting there,  trying to absorb these little things in my mind.  I remembered,  the green disc,  the...the...creature. It seemed like a dream,  just a dream. But yet it seemed so real.  I scratched my head in confusion.  "Ouch!! ", my head stung when I scratched that... that place where a stone had hit me.  That meant it was all real.  As hard as it was to believe that the happenings of last night were real,  the small pain at the back of my head hinted it's reality.  Even the memory of last night was really vague and blurred, maybe because of my already hurting head.  I sat there for a while, figuring the real and unreal.  I always wanted to have an adventure,  an experience out of this world...was that it?  Or was it just a vivid dream?  Or the stone hit me at such a place that I lost my mind...but...

I got off my bed and started searching the floor frantically- for any hint of the mysterious object and its owner. I looked for it where I remembered dropping it before I lost consciousness. I crawled and scanned the floor and found nothing.

I stood up straight, and scratched my head.
" Maybe it was all a dream....yes.....yes yes, it was surely a dream."
I grinned to myself, satisfied that I was now fully conscious, and with a properly functioning brain.  I was wide awake now,but  I was still not able to think of that as a dream. It seemed so real !

I was brought back to reality from another ring from my alarm clock . I saw the time and quickly went off to get ready for school .

While getting ready, I was thinking only about that weird dream. Everybody was awake.  It was the usual morning rush. Mom was screaming out to me to get ready fast.

I got ready just at the right time, took my bag, and went off downstairs for my breakfast. Even though I had confirmed that what I had seen was a dream, a part of me told it was real, but it was hard to believe . And that was the most confusing thing - whether what I had seen was real or a dream.

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