Chapter XVIII: The Merchant of London

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With her first experience inside a courtroom, Y/N's gaze wander around. The cream colored walls are pleasing to the eye along with the occasional white while the many furniture have the same brown hue that's more on the lighter side. She was left in awe and wonder, but nothing would beat her interest for the child that had brought the case. She managed to sneak away from her extravagant abode, but was still being supervised with a royal guard along with her trusted butler. Seated on the bench in front of where the judge is, she managed to see clearly the faces of both children through the black veil that covers her face.

She focuses on the judge after he begins the trial, attracting the others as well through letting his gavel hit its block. Properly sitting with her hands neatly placed on her lap, she lets her dangled feet be stable and entirely focuses herself on what is about to happen.

"We will now begin the inquiry into the default of the loan agreement entered by both the plaintiff and the defendant. This trial will be recorded, in accordance with statute. False testimony is a punishable offense in this court, therefore remember to choose your words wisely and with care." The judge loudly announced for everyone to hear and follow.

The judge then continues to inform after a moment of silence. "Along with that, we are being accompanied by a member of the royal family."

Both parties immediately turned to the little girl, politely showing their respect of her title before they are soon called off again by the judge. "May it be the reason for all of you executing your utmost best behavior. Now, are both parties ready?"

His question was met with silence as he proceeds to inspect both parties. The plaintiff gives one last glance to Y/N before entirely focusing back on his ongoing case as the judge then exclaims that they will begin with an opening statement from the him.

The judge is already facing in the plaintiff's direction as he was in disbelief before by having a case brought by a child. Y/N intently watches the exchange, being mesmerized with such magnificent hue of eyes of the plaintiff.

Standing up carefully, the plaintiff follows the judge's request. "As it states in my complaint, I, the plaintiff, seek the quick repayment of the six hundred pounds in the deal agreed to by the defendant." Throughout his statements, he held his gaze against Mr. Baxter.

"Now, the defendant may now make his statement." The judge ordered right after facing the other direction and towards the indicated individual.

The defendant's lawyer was the one who makes a statement, standing up as well before he announces. "The defendant, Lord Baxter, has zero current assets, as documented in the materials submitted. It shows that the sum cannot be instantly repaid, as demanded by the plaintiff."

Y/N subtly furrows her brows, finding such statement odd. She notices Mr. Baxter's solemn expression, glancing down with a small frown.

The plaintiff raises his hand before he requests. "Excuse me, My Lord. Concerning that statement, I have doubts as to the defendant's financial situation. Permission to ask him?"

The judge grants it, making the plaintiff face the defendant again while lowering his hand.

Glancing at a brown folder by his right, he directs a question to Mr. Baxter while letting the documents inside be shown to all. "According to these documents, you currently have no asset holdings, but Mr. Baxter, you reside in a high-class residential area. Have you not thought of selling it?"

The plaintiff lowers his hold of the document, waiting for the defendant to answer.

Lowering his head a bit more and letting his eyes close while still maintaining his solemn features, Mr. Baxter then replies. "I cannot do that, unfortunately."

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