Leading to William's Ending Chapter XXVI: A Mystical Melody

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Years passed and the state of the country had been reborn and rebuilt to a much better one than its former glory. Peace and unity could be seen in any corners and the usual crimes caused by the massive difference and prejudice between the commoners and nobility had greatly decreased. Title or no title, everyone had been freely and equally given the rights of what they want to do as long as it won't violate the laws formerly being established. Such result caused joy not only to the Queen, but to her granddaughter as well along with being relieved that everything had indeed reached a better result in the end.

Mild weather had been blessed upon the land, presenting subtle warmth that could be enjoyed despite the long duration one would let themselves indulge underneath it. The heat only became more bearable when the moment is spent with friends, in which what Y/N is currently enjoying herself with. Caused by the hectic schedule she had in the past few months after the incident, it was undeniable that contacting the others had been insufficient. But now that everything is as orderly and pleasant as it can be, it soon lightened up before she can now make some visits she personally wanted to do.

This time, Y/N and the former organization she had been included with in the past had decided to spend the time redecorating and generally just rearranging the contents of the garden. Such activity fits for the state of the day as Y/N soon lets herself bathe underneath the sun's warmth. Ensuring that her sun hat won't suddenly fly off caused by the occasional wind breezing through, she then makes a welcoming approach within the estate's grounds. The Moriarty estate had been rebuilt as well, having been seemed to be in the same state as it once was. Assuming the conservatory's location, she continues.

Entering the conservatory and being relieved that her guess was correct, Y/N immediately presents a greeting in a casual manner to her friends that are waiting. Just like the old times and setting her title aside, all of them also expressed their gratitude and happiness for her presence as it had really been a while since the last visit she made, especially now is a special time where not only are they completed, but a surprise awaits the lady as well. All of them held radiance of happiness and excitement of what was bound to occur that is currently still being unknown to Y/N, smiling and grinning that is also returned by her.

Getting started with the gardening as the others also discussed who would be doing a certain task, the youngest member approaches her.

"Here's some apron and gloves for you to not get dirty." Informed by Fred, handing out the said materials towards her, who instantly gives him words of gratitude.

Fred only subtly nods in response before proceeding to start his chosen task as Y/N glances at the person who gently puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Which one would you like to use?" Sebastian asked next, gesturing to the varieties of garden tools laid out carefully on a shelf nearby that caused her to sweat drop.

Eyeing the tools where the sharp surfaces of some gleamed for a moment that proved their good quality to be used among the remaining ones that do not contain a blade, Y/N could only feel herself be challenged with the puzzle in front of her before she sheepishly informs. "I'm not really sure what each would be for. Do you mind helping me out, Sebastian?"

Laughing softly with her confusion that caused her to gently scold him in return, he takes the easiest tool to use before giving it to her. He then leaves to assist Fred with tending to the weeds that had grown on some plants after patting her shoulder once in reassurance.

Having fundamental knowledge of what the hand trowel is used for, Y/N proceeded to take a stack of vacant pots to transfer the newly sprouted flowers by her right. Carefully digging out one after another, she was almost done with her task before succeeding in doing so, smiling in victory.

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