Leading to Sherlock's Ending Chapter XXVI: A Mystical Melody

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Years passed and the state of the country had been reborn and rebuilt to a much better one than its former glory. Peace and unity could be seen in any corners and the usual crimes caused by the massive difference and prejudice between the commoners and nobility had greatly decreased. Title or no title, everyone had been freely and equally given the rights of what they want to do as long as it won't violate the laws formerly being established. Such result caused joy not only to the Queen, but to her granddaughter as well along with being relieved that everything had indeed reached a better result in the end.

Mild weather had been blessed upon the land, presenting subtle warmth that could be enjoyed despite the long duration one would let themselves indulge underneath it. The heat only became more bearable when the moment is spent with friends, in which what Y/N is currently enjoying herself with. Caused by the hectic schedule she had in the past few months after the incident, it was undeniable that contacting the others had been insufficient. But now that everything is as orderly and pleasant as it can be, it soon lightened up before she can now make some visits she personally wanted to do.

Y/N soon lets herself be bathed underneath the sun's warmth, stepping out carefully right after both Lestrade and Mycroft had made their exit from the carriage. Despite informing her that they would be her companions for security reasons, she would have liked to think of some other reason where they would really like to make visiting of their own with her. The two let her lead the way directly towards the apartment known across the street and even through the city for its once resident. Arriving at the door, Y/N raises her vacant hand before proceeding to knock, informing its inhabitants by using the knocker.

Her two companions had decided to converse by themselves as they waited as she ensures her gift is still presentable that is carefully being held. The occasional chatter through some of the establishments nearby caused Y/N to look in the said direction, waving a little to the children along with their parents who are surprised to see her personally in their area. Rushed manner of approaching footsteps on the other side of the door caused her attention to be focused on the incoming individual that is soon revealed to be the landlady herself. The creaking of the door opening was then followed with her soft squeal.

Miss Hudson immediately beamed upon seeing Y/N, proceeding to greet her with a subtle bow. "Your highness! It's an honor to have you here again!"

Standing properly once more, Miss Hudson then delivers each greeting to the other gentlemen behind Y/N that was responded with smiles of politeness. 

Softly chuckling caused by Miss Hudson's excitement and politeness before informing her that she could drop the formalities, Y/N shows the basket she carefully brought by raising it a bit as she informs with a smile. "I've brought some presents and other delicacies that we can perhaps enjoy later on as well."

Not wanting to further burden herself with the weight of the present, Miss Hudson gratefully accepts it before ushering them all inside. Despite having to visit the apartment countless of times whenever she can in the past few months, Y/N still has her gaze wander around the hallway where she sees no difference and could only wonder yet again if its the same case within a certain room. She snapped herself from being curious, letting it simmer before she could further continue with missing someone, not wanting for it to unintentionally dampen her mood that would surely be noticed by the others.

They all soon made their way towards the kitchen and perhaps hearing the landlady's loud exclamation of greeting, John already made his way over the entrance of the room with Mary following behind.

Reaching where the group stopped after making their entry inside, John greets his close friend first before casting a faux surprised gaze at the other two as he announces warmly. "Mycroft and George, you two are also here? Welcome and we're glad that you two could be with us."

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