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"it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are

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"it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~ E.E. Cummings

~december 1976~ ((continued))

Sirius woke up the next morning in the Potter's living room with only a fuzzy memory of the night before. His main reminder was the constant throbbing in his head and the way his entire body felt like it might collapse if he tried to stand up. He slowly turned his head to survey the room. Light was streaming in between the drapes over the windows, illuminating the dwindling fire in the hearth and James curled up under a quilt in a nearby armchair. He tried to move, to sit up, to do anything, but it hurt too badly and he collapsed back onto the cushions.

His hand grazed something soft and he jumped, only to see that it was the top of Artemis's hair. She was leaning against the couch, her head resting on her knees, fast asleep. He moved his hand away from her hair, but looked down at her affectionately for a moment. She must've fallen asleep sitting at his side. He couldn't help being a little bit pleased at this.

Artemis stirred a second later, woken by Sirius's movements a moment earlier, and raised her head, running a hand over her face and hair.

"Hey there," Sirius said, his voice a barely audible rasp.

She started and turned to him, eyes suddenly wide. "Sirius- you're awake-"

"Didn't think I'd wake up?"

She gave him a wry smile, but wasn't able to hide the tears in her eyes. In an instant, she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Sirius winced and she sat up quickly. "Sorry, sorry, I forgot-"

"It's fine," said Sirius. He felt better than he had in days at that moment. "Were you here all night?"

She looked confused. "I've been here all holiday."

"No, no, I mean-" He pointed vaguely to the spot she'd been sleeping in.

Her face reddened ever so slightly and she avoided his eyes. "I mean, yeah... we weren't even sure you were going to make it, Sirius, I mean- shit! Don't ever scare me like that again, understand?" Her voice had gone fierce and she glared at him in the familiar way he'd seen a million times, only now they were on the same side.

"I won't," he said gently. "Hey-" He reached out and took her hand with shaking fingers, weak from the disaster of a Christmas the night before, "Hey, I'm not going to."

Their eyes met and she chewed on the inside of her cheek, agitated, but she didn't move her hand away. She tried to steady the tremor in his fingers, holding him more gently than she'd held anything in her life, like he was made of glass.

They both sprang apart when the door opened and Sirius winced and rubbed at his forehead. Mrs. Potter strode levitating an enormous tray of food and coffee in front of her. She set it on the coffee table and moved to Sirius's side, next to Artemis. "Oh, good, you're up." Her tone was sharp but relief was etched all over her face. She gently removed Sirius's hand from his forehead and replaced it with her own, feeling for a temperature.

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