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"melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night

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"melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night." ~ Virginia Woolf

~december 1976~ (continued)

Artemis swept a piece of Marlene's hair from her eyes. She was laying on Artemis's bed, her head in Art's lap, sobbing uncontrollably. They'd been there for an hour. The door creaked open slowly and James poked his head. "Hey... we brought some- uh- some cookies."

He and Sirius stepped into the low-lit room, Sirius carrying a tray of Mrs. Potter's best Christmas cookies. He set it down on the bed next to Marlene. "Here, you should eat something."

"Look, we're really sorry about Dorcas," James said, shifting awkwardly. "Ah, that's- that really blows."

"Yeah, really shitty of her to break up with you on Christmas," said Sirius.

Artemis raised her eyebrows at them and jerked her head pointedly towards the door. Sirius shot her an apologetic smile. James backed away towards the hall outside. "Right, we're gonna... let you handle this-"

Once they were gone, Artemis rubbed Marlene's shoulder comfortingly. "It's gonna be alright, love, I promise."

Marlene only cried harder. "No, it's not," she sniffed.

Artemis tried not to sigh too heavily at that. She loved Marlene like a sister, but they'd been having the same conversation for an hour now. "You're going to be fine," she said as nicely as she could.

Twenty minutes later, the scene hadn't changed one bit. Artemis was starting to wonder how one person could hold that many tears. The door creaked open again and she got ready to tell the boys off, but then she saw a flash of red hair and in seconds, Lily was sitting on the bed with them and pulling Marlene into her arms. She looked up at Artemis. "I came as soon as I heard. Marly wrote to me before coming here."

"She broke up with me," Marlene sobbed, finally sitting up only to bury her face in Lily's shoulder. "On Christmas."

"I know, darling," Lily murmured, wrapping her arms around Marlene.

"I didn't know where else to go."

"I know."

Artemis sighed and frowned out the window. "She could've done it anytime before now. Or waited."

"Well, it just reflects more on her character," Lily said softly. "She wasn't good enough for you, Marly. At least we know that now."

"But I loved her," said Marlene, finally calming down enough to wipe her eyes and sit up straight. "I thought- I thought we would get married when I left school."

Lily and Artemis exchanged a dark look. Neither of them wanted to remind Marlene that the two girls wouldn't have been able to get married anyways, but a surge of hatred swarmed in Artemis's chest at the fact. She put a protective arm around Marlene and kissed the top of her head. "You'll find someone better. I know you will."

"But I loved her."

Lily held Artemis and Marlene in her arms like a mother holding onto her children, full of warmth and love and protection. "You'll get past this, Marly. We know you will."


The next morning, Artemis, Sirius, Lily, and James crowded by the door of the Potter's house, all bundling up and chattering loudly. "Oh my god, are you guys ever going to be ready?" said Artemis, leaning against the door and twirling a lock of hair around one finger.

Sirius flashed her a wide grin. "You're the one who's not ready. Come here, you need a hat."

"I don't have a hat."

James reached into a chest by the door and then tossed a balled up piece of knitted cloth to Sirius. Sirius caught it with one hand and gently set the hat on Artemis's head. "Now you do."

"Button up your jacket, will you?" she said, begrudgingly adjusting her hair under the hat. "It's freezing."

"Yeah, but that looks so lame," said Sirius, sticking his hands in his pockets.

She knitted her eyebrows at him and moved to button his coat for him. "I don't give a damn what looks lame, I just don't want to hear you complaining about the cold."

Lily finished pulling on her gloves and turned to Mrs. Potter stoking the fire in the living room. "You're sure Marlene'll be alright here? You don't want any of us to stay."

"Oh, don't worry so much," said Mrs. Potter, waving Lily away. "She'll be just fine. I'm going to try and make her eat some lunch in a minute. Go and have your fun."

Lily smiled at her. She'd never met Mrs. Potter, but she felt like she'd known her for years already. The second she'd arrived at James's house, his mother had made her sit by the fire and hurried to get her a cup of tea and ensure that she was comfortable. It was nice, in a way, feeling at home in a place that wasn't home.

"Alright, Evans?" said James, handing her a scarf. "Art's not joking about the cold. If I hear one complaint, I'm ditching you all and going to the museum myself."

Lily snorted. "Don't kid yourself, Potter, you wouldn't be caught dead alone at a museum."

The door swung open, almost knocking James and Artemis over, and Mr. Potter stomped through with an armful of firewood. He appraised the kids in the doorway, then looked helplessly up at his wife. "Kids everywhere, Euphemia, they keep multiplying, don't they? We only gave birth to one, right?"

"You didn't give birth to any, love," Mrs. Potter said lightly, pulling her husband further into the warmth of the house. "Give me a little credit, will you?" She turned back to the doorway. "Everyone's got everything? Boots, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, all of it?"

"Yes, mother," Sirius and James chorused.

Lily and Artemis exchanged a look. "We've got everything, Mrs. Potter," Lily said sweetly before turning on James with one raised eyebrow. "Are we going now? We've been standing here for thirty minutes now."

"Yes, dear," James said sarcastically, and opened the door for her with a flair of dramatics.

It wasn't more than ten seconds after the four of them exited their trolley on the street where the museum was that James let out a groan. "It's cold," he said, tightening his scarf. "Why's it so cold?"

"Potter, I swear to Merlin-" Lily said through chattering teeth, but she couldn't help smiling.

Sirius grabbed Artemis's hand and they made a break for the museum, beating Lily and James by mere feet. Sirius held the door open and they all stumbled into the warm museum, huddling together in a clump. James breathed into his hands and stomped snow from his boots. "So, I'm guessing you two want to go have your date then?" he said to Sirius and Artemis, eyebrows raised.

"Absolutely," said Sirius.

Artemis hung back and took Lily's arm. "Are you alright with him if we leave you for a little? I can stay if you want-"

"Go," said Lily, pushing her away. "I can babysit, don't worry about me."

"Babysit?!" James called over his shoulder indignantly. "I haven't needed a babysitter since- well, no, you're right."

Lily laughed and waved Sirius and Artemis away. "Go, go have fun. We'll be fine."

/𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒\ [𝒔. 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌]Where stories live. Discover now