6. iMessage

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Group text:
Childhood roommates + Eliza and Tommy

Camille- Eww Not Camila Cabello
Eliza- Hamiltons Wife💅
Adan- Adam driver stalker
Brooklyn- Brooklyn99
Tom- señor Tomás

Hamiltons Wife💅:
excuse me!
What do you mean you're okay with
Chris and Cam dating?

First you don't know him
And she doesn't need your

Eww Not Camila Cabello
Go offff!!

I agree.

But do explain yourself?

Adam driver stalker:
First. I still love you babe
And second
Don't act like you're
not flattered Camilla

Eww Not Camila Cabello
Are you kidding me
I Never said I wasn't

Adam driver stalker
I would rather you date Chris because he's older.
More mature. Ready to settle down.

señor Tomás:
And Cami wants that?

Adam driver stalker:
She's about to hit her 30's of course she wants that

Eww Not Camila Cabello
Maybe I want to party for another 10 years

Adam driver stalker:
Oh please.
You hate parties.

Eww Not Camila Cabello
Because i would rather stay in
And no absolutely nothing

señor Tomás :
Point made

Eww Not Camila Cabello
So what?
You're trying to play match maker now?

Adam driver stalker:
Yeah! It's captain America
Alto better than that douche bag

Look, Clearly he likes you
Given the opportunity.
Would you date him?

Eww Not Camila Cabello
I mean, he's not ugly.
He's like, fucking hot,
if you know what I mean.
I'm a 6 compared to him

señor Tomás :
Hey! You're pretty hot too!

Eww Not Camila Cabello
Eww Tom!
You're my brother

señor Tomás
And I just screenshoted that

Eww Not Camila Cabello
You bitch!
If you show him that I'm gonna kick your ass!

I'm not trying to date.
I'm just trying to live in the moment
see where things take me.
I'm not searching for anything.

if something happens, then it happens.

señor Tomás :



Haz and I are flying in this next weekend
and have a couple of days off
Want to play football?

I'm so down

Adam driver stalker
Can i come to!

Wait football football, or
football soccer?

señor Tomás:
Of course mate

Hamiltons Wife💅:
Adan, The kids have soccer

Adam driver stalker:
what kids?

Lol jk

Eww Not Camila Cabello

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