32. iMessage

165 2 0

Text from SeBass to Mrs. Evans

Hey Cameron!

Hey boo boo!
What's up?

One word.

I knew it!
I knew it!
I fucking knew it!

I got dms of the comment you posted!

I deleted it

The fans work harder

As long as she didn't see it.

I guess you will see.
I mean she didn't, but if a fan sends it to her ...

But she's one of my longest friends in this business.
While I got casted on Disney, she
ended up going back to Canada to be on a popular tv show.
She was my first friend when I made it on Disney.

Oh cool.

How vague of you
You want me to set you up?

Is she single?

Yeah, she hasn't dated in a while

Who she date

A guy named Ian
they met in Vampire Diaries

So blind  date or?

No no
i m just curious

I'll find a way to introduce you to her.
Don't be shy

I'm not shy

Chris says otherwise

You're with Chris right now?

Maybe not

You are

We're having dinner at my place
Trying to stay low key

Good idea, I can't imagine how it will
go when it comes out
Everyone is anticipating it

I know

But we wer're in a bubble right now
Things are good.
And I like him

And you think he's like FUCKING HOT

I'm going to kill Tom!!!

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