4. Chris Evans Article

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Celeb 101:
Chris Evans Wants ass?

It's not Secret that everyone wants a piece of Americas Ass but whose ass does Chris Evans want? Well, it's just been confirmed that during a live interview with Jimmy Fallon, Chris revealed during a game of truth or truth that he's has a long tim...

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It's not Secret that everyone wants a piece of Americas Ass but whose ass does Chris Evans want? Well, it's just been confirmed that during a live interview with Jimmy Fallon, Chris revealed during a game of truth or truth that he's has a long time crush on Camille Betancourt who he met briefly during the red carpet premiere to Ant-man back in 2015.

"Who's your celebrity crush or when was the last time you had sex?"

"Camille Betancourt." Chris blurted out not thinking twice about his answer.

While Jimmy Fallon took in the information he had no idea he was going to receive, he went on to ask when and where did he realize this and what happened during their interaction. Totally forgetting about the game.

"We spoke for- not even a minute. She didn't say anything in particular, she was just...so beautiful and nice. Really really nice, which took me by surprise." He revealed. "Not that I thought she was going to be a bitch or anything. It's just. She's Camille Betancourt I would be competing with people half my age."

"But what did she say?"

"Nothing really. Just that she was a big fan and that she was excited For Civil War to come out that following year."

"So she's a fan of the MCU?"

"Probably. I didn't ask, but I'm assuming so since she always attends the premiers."

With that being said, the internet has gone crazy. Fans have already been going nuts posting and making fan edits. Let's not forget who was excited about this news. Lizzo! She took to Twitter that she was happy but mostly it was all screaming emoji's and proclaiming that she was the captain of the ship.

We can't forget that in the past she has always been open and forward, constantly flirting with Evans who would get a laugh out of it.

Though, it was all fun and games, she is close friends with Chris and she's hopping he mans up and does something about this crush just like we do..

Though, it was all fun and games, she is close friends with Chris and she's hopping he mans up and does something about this crush just like we do

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