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ImSebastianstan: me drunk birches Tagged CamilleBet

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ImSebastianstan: me drunk birches
Tagged CamilleBet

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(An hour later by Camille)


"Bash, come on. What hotel are you staying at?" Camille asked her friend for the fifth time. Of course she was beginning to get frustrated with his drunkenness but gratefully she had help from Andrew Garfield, who held most of Sebastian's weight, but it didn't help that he was almost as drunk as he was.

"Chris-Can we get pizza? I want pizza. Please."

Sighing, Camille nodded. "Yes, I will get you pizza." She pulled out her phone and quickly texted her assistant on what to order. "Andrew, you coming over too?"

"No, that's okay, I'm going to head back to my hotel. But thank you. I will see you Monday morning on set. Text me when you get home. Please."

"Will do. See you Monday." She quickly hugged him. Placing a quick kiss on his cheek right after he helped get Sebastian into her car.

Babysitting a man almost ten years older than her was not what Camille ever thought she would have to do. As soon as she got home, and she led Sebastian into her home by telling him the pizza was in the kitchen, she went and showered while she had her brother watch him. She had no idea who to call, and not to mention he dropped and broke his phone right after he snatched it out of her hand. Which was right after his post. Both of their notifications were blowing up, so she had taken his phone to disable the comments. It didn't go well when he tried to take his phone back so he could take a picture with Andrew.

As soon as Camille was showered and heading back down stairs, she got a notification.

Dm fromChrisEvans
Have you heard from Sebastian?He mentioned you guys were going out drinking.
Let me know he's okay if you can.

Looking, up after hearing the back door open, she found her brother walking back into the house. "Where is he?"

"He's in the family room watching some movie called The Covenant."

"Okay." Camille nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'm off to bed. Call me if you need anything else. Love you." He called out heading up the stairs.

"Love you too." Camille called out and headed towards the family room shutting off the lights as she walked by. As soon a she made it to the room, she found him dead asleep on the couch and as much as she wanted to go and lay in her own bed. She knew she had to stay and keep an eye on him in case he threw up, or worse choked on his own vomit.

Quickly shutting off the television. She responded to Chris's dm.

"He's here at my place already asleep and totally out of it. Who knew he's a lightweight."

"Thank god!
I wasn't sure if I should call
the police department.
He currently staying with me, so naturally I was worried I know how reckless he can get sometimes
Thank you.
Just have him call me when he wakes up.

That won't be happening since
He broke his phone.

Okay, I'll pick him up in the morning.

If that's okay with you.

It's fine. I'll send you the address.
Depending at what time you come,
I might not be here, but my assistant will

Thanks again.
Good night Cami.


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