11. Real Life

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Sure. Camille Betancourt is a famous Singer and Actor, but that did not mean she doesn't get nervous. Well, she doesn't but she does when she meeting very attractive people, though only the ones she is crushing on and or finds extremely fucking hot.

So when she and her siblings arrived at the theme park, to say she went completely red upon seeing Chris Evans in the distance would be an understatement. She was practically frozen. Only speaking when spoken to or starring off at almost anything trying to distract herself. Not many have ever seen her this way. But they immediately knew why, especially when Chris Evans had awkwardly walked up to her.

"Camille. Hey. It's nice to see you again." He walked up to her giving her a quick side hug, because let's not forget that he too is nervous. Just- not as much as her because he had the courage to actually go and finally make a move. Or, to just greet her because he did somewhat chicken out.

"Oh-hey. Likewise." She tried to save herself by acting surprised. She sent him a smile and just as she seen her siblings and Sebastian trying to leave the two there, the girl quickly ran off after them. "Hey, wait up." She called going after them.

"Cami, do you want to get on that one?" Tom asked pointing at the biggest roller coaster at the park just as Chris also caught up to them.

"Eventually, yes. But I want to go on the Gully washer first."

"The what!" He asked

"Right." Sebastian laughed. "You've never been here. It's a water ride."

"Ohh! Perfect." He clapped excitedly.

And again the group was on their way. Every once in a while bumping into other Marvel actors who were with their family or in groups with other cast members. The six stayed together. And just once did Camille separate from the guys to go with Lizzy and Scarlet on a few rides, but nevertheless, the six stayed together. The guys were constantly trying to find a way to get Chris and Camille to talk, because other than the greeting or when they would stop to get refills or buy snacks, asking each other if the other wanted anything, nothing was said. One would occasionally laugh if the other said a joke but that was it.

By the time 6:30 hit and they were all exhausted, mostly due to the heat from sun, they decided on one last ride. And it was the biggest roller coaster the park has.

"Harrison, come on. We're sitting together." Brooklyn called the male over to the very front of the coaster while Sebastian and Tom purposely sat together so that would leave Chris and Camille. They had purposely planned this earlier that day. They just wanted it to happen sooner, but either way, the plan was in motion. The plan was to get them together on the coaster. That way Camille would 'get scared' and cuddle up to olé Chris.

"Oh! Wait! Let me get a picture!" A yell came from Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlet who had been running trying to make it onto the ride. Quickly, they went row by row trying to get picture of all the pairs. Specifically, Chris and Camille, because let's face it. They all knew about the guys plan. "Cute!" They smiled and then went to take the last seat behind the pair.

"Y-you scared?" Chris had gotten the courage to ask, looking over at the girl who was surprised he even spoke to her.

"Absolutely, not." The girl responded. "I love roller coasters." She gave him a smile. "I just didn't feel like riding most." She quickly lied. No, she didn't get on because she didn't want to embarrass herself. "but it's the last one. So of course I have to get on."

"Cool. I love coasters too." He nodded agreeing with her.

As soon as the roller coaster started and they started climbing up the ramp, the group of guys in the front started cheering. Then when the coaster hit the top of the ramp, Chris Evans lost it.

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