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CamilleBet: Boston, I'm home!

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CamilleBet: Boston, I'm home!

Left- Chris- FUTURE babe🍑

Right- Camille-Chameleon 💕

So you got the shoes?

Why, Yes I did.
I loved them.

Even if they're the exact same ones?

Yes, even if they're the exact same shoes.

What are you up to these days?

I've been back and forth so I'm finally going to relax for a bit.

I had to leave for cali on Wednesday
My brother and his family had flown in so
I could take him to Adam Drivers party.
He was hoping to meet Harrison Ford and Mark Hamil.

Classic Star-wars nerd?


And did he meet them?

Yes and it's all he talks about now.
How about you? Are you currently doing anything?

Actually, I'm free until November
I have to make an appearance at the red carpet for Thor: Ragnarok

No way! You just said that!


I'm just finished rewatching Age of Ultron!


Do you know anything?
Do you know if we find out what happens to Hulk?

I'm afraid I don't know

You don't know? Or won't say?

Don't know
I'm not in the movie


I didn't realize you're an actual fan

Of course I am. Since day one.
It took a lot to convince Paul to get me invited to the premiere of Ant-man.

That's when we first met

Kind of. Not really?

What do you mean?

You didn't say much.

You didn't say much at Sixflags.

Neither did you,
but also, the premiere was before you announced to the world I was your crush.
So of course it was easy to keep my cool.
I should have known though.

It was that obvious?

No. Lol

Thank god

So are you going?
To the premiere?

I was not invited to this one, but it's okay.
I'll probably go watch it by myself. I usually do.

Anyway, I need to go grocery shopping.
I've been putting it off and I'm hungry.

Or you can put it off another day?
We can order food and perhaps finally have that Spider-Man marathon?

You're in Boston right?

I am and I'm intrigued.

What kind of food are we talking?

Well, I was thinking something simple like pizza
But whatever you want I'm not a picky eater

Pizza sounds great as long as there is ranch and Dr Pepper

Also, I refuse to change out of these sweats

Well I'm in sweats too so it's fine

Good. Send me your address
I'm heading out now

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