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It was black. too black i thought but there was something in the darkness. "hello"? I called out. "Hello child" I screamed a little because the voice was sudden and right behind me "who are you and where am I".there was a silence and then the voice "I am Nakoma the great warrior spirit and as of where you are your out cold honey bun". "wait the great warrior spirit? Why are you in my head, shouldn't you be out doing more important things"? She chuckled "of corse but your my top priority for this moment, there is a war coming and I have chosen you to possess my powers". I coughed "wait war, me, powers? What"! I'm sure she would be smiling if I could see her. "I know I know it's a lot to take in but trust the new family you have found and you will discover the power you posses in time I must go now but I will return".I run blindly "wait what power" and she's gone. I woke up gasping for air clawing at the void in front of me "please be calm you are safe here". I opened my eyes and was greeted with a giant rat in my face the only thing that would work was my jaw. "is she broken" I heard someone whisper and then a slap and an ow. I giggled but was brought back to reality when I went to sit up a seering pain went through my left leg. I winced and sat up looking around you could say I wasn't in Kansas anymore. I looked around the room I was in from the couches perspective there was a giant set of tv's and multiple rooms on the upper and lower floor. one room looked like a kitchen and another was, I don't even know. "where am i" I was marveled at the sight of this place. "you are in the sewers of New York". I sniffed "never would have guessed". I looked at my leg wrapped up in tape and bandages "so how long was I out" the Orange one spoke up "about two days" my eyes widened but I didn't say anything. "Did my sons introduce themselves"? I shook my head no, "I taught you better than that"he snapped at the turtles they were a little ashamed looking but then the blue one stood up "I'm Leo that's Raph, Mikey and Donnie" he pointed to each of his brothers "and this is master splinter" he stood next to the rat. "now that that's all done so you mind telling us a little about yourself miss"? I was quiet for a moment not because I wanted to hide anything but because I honestly didn't know what to say. "I don't know what to say" he smiled "how bout a name then". Mikey burst out "she doesn't have one" the rat looked shocked for a moment so I answered "I'm 256" I shyly look down. "why do you call yourself that" Raph said annoyed I snapped my head in his direction "why do you call yourself Raph"? He glared at me "cuz it was given to me girly" I smiled "good so was mine" he just rolled his eyes "whatever, guys we can't trust this girl what if she's part of the Kraang or Shredders secret group it would explain her not being able to remember a simple name". it was silent he has a point but so do I. Leo chuckled "Raph you don't trust anyone not only that but you don't really like them either". Mikey chimed in "he's kind of right there dude" Raph just got up and stormed out of the room. "now that that's over you must rest child you have much healing to do" he went to get up and so did the others "but I feel fine" Donnie looked at me funny "you were stabbed multiple times in the same leg how could you possibly feel fine after being in pain a few moments ago"? I shrugged "I don't know I just feel fine can I go now"? Master splinter looked me up and down "no, Donnitello could you check her leg" he moved to get the med kit beside me "already doing it sense" he removed the bandages and all that was left was a scar. he looked shocked and couldn't close his mouth "this is completely impossible" he whispered. "what being a fast healer? Ive always been one" he stared at me. "humans take a long tim to heal deep cuts like that" I shrugged "not all of us"

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