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It's been about an hour I guess since being brought out here and I still won't give in. I found out about my past, apparently he killed my parents after finding out the powers I possessed and they wouldn't give me up. the orphanage was just so he wouldn't have to deal with me. I now have broken ribs again and new scars to add to my collection but I haven't been able to heal quickly this time so the pain I'm in is almost unbearable but I refuse to let him see it in my eyes. Things have calmed down and he was called out to deal with different matters I don't know what but he was pissed. I was staring at the floor thinking about Raph and the look on his face when I was taken more like when I traded places with April. he was heartbroken but I know him he's tough and Leo's smart and so is Donnie they'll find me in no time I just hope it's sooner rather then later. but as I was watching the floor I saw shadows move across the floor I glanced at Razar and Karai but they didn't notice. I looked up lightly only with my eyes and saw four figures running across the roof. I wanted to call out, to say I was here but I'm a little tied up at the moment. they stopped and gathered near a window tucked in the shadows I shook my head slightly but I knew they either didn't see it or wouldn't take the warning and wait. just as they reached out to break the window Shredder walked in and they paused I focused on shredder so I wouldn't give away their position. "have you reconsidered my offer brat" I shook my head no, he struck me across the face opening the not so old cut across my eye causing it to bleed. grabbing my hair he pulled me as far as I could go "I will break you if it's the last thing i do" he dropped me and turned just as the turtles broke through the glass. I was a little dizzy but I shook it off shredder stood between me and the turtles letting the knives in his gauntlet out. "you finally showed up" the turtles looked pissed and in the zone "this ends now" Leo growled I caught a glimpse of Raph when shredder moved a bit determination, worry and anger were in his eyes. "ATTACK" Leo shouted he took shredder and Raph took Razar leaving Donnie and Mikey with Karai. Razar was out in five and Karai went down on seven with Raphs anger nothing could stand in his way. He wanted to join Leo but He told him to get me. He hesitated but rushed over to me he grabbed my face "your going to be alright, I got you now" he wiped a tear from my eye, I didn't even know I was crying, he pulled the tape off my mouth and reached behind me to unhook the chains holding me to the floor he took one look at them "Donnie"! He rushed over, Raph showed him the chains and he shook his head "we have to get her out of here I'll have a way of getting them off at the lair". Raph picked me up and Donnie dragged Leo back out the window and we headed back to the lair. we stopped briefly half way so Donnie could check me "here sit down" Raph sat and laid my head in his lap stroking my hair. he flashed a light in my eyes and I barely flinched "Ember can you hear me" I nodded slightly he grabbed my hand "ok squeeze my hand according to how much pain you feel" I squeezed his hand as hard as I possibly could. "alright you can relax now, we're gonna take you home now everything's going to be alright". He stood and Raph picked me up again and we made the journey back to the lair. when we got there I nearly was passed out Raph put me on a table in Donnies lab and he instantly made Raph go and get April. when he returned with her he sent Raph out to wait which didn't happen smoothly Leo had to come in and drag him out. After fighting with the cuffs on my wrists they finally got them off and got to work cleaning the cuts and dressing them, the ones made with the whip were the worst. they poured some cleaning stuff on it I guess, and I hissed crying out "shh it's going to be alright" April brushed my cheek with her hand and they wrapped my midsection with tape and gauze. Donnie moved on to my eye "ok can you see how many fingers I'm holding up" he only had two but I saw four "four" my voice was slurred. he shined the light in my eyes again "April I think she was drugged her eyes are not dilating". he looked at me "alright I'm going to take a blood sample ok it'll only hurt for a second" I couldn't move for some reason so I couldn't confirm that I heard him "she's not responding". he reached for something in Aprils hand and I felt a pinch in my arm. "the IV is in Donnie" he moved and took out a vile and hooked it up to the IV and took some blood "alright I'll be right back". he rushed off leaving April to watch the monitor they hooked up to me somehow with out me noticing "you should see yourself from my perspective you look dead but I know your in there somewhere, don't worry we'll fix you up" a minute went by and Donnie returned looking pale April rushed over "what is it Donnie". "she was given a narcotic to make her relax but the dosage was off, she's boarder line of over dosing". April looked worried "you have something for this right" he nodded yeah "he pulled out a needle and filled it with a clear liquid and inserted it in the IV. "now we wait" they walked out leaving me to fall asleep.

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