Chapter 1 - New faces

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Walking around Zaun at day wasn't anymore easy than it is at night. The place crawls with shimmer addicts, dealers, silco's workers and criminals of all ages.
But even tho I was walking at night I knew it wouldn't be different at daytime. But I was exploring a blown up building, it blew up just earlier tonight and it was still on fire inside. I was looking around and seeing if there was anything of use, food, material, weapons. I need the things since being one of the few healers left in the world put a target and price on my head.
But I heard whimpers under a bunch of stone. I dragged away the wall peices to see a boy my age with a pole through his chest but he was awake so it probably didn't damage his lung or heart.

He saw me and immediately tried to move but whimpered and grabbed the pole in pain. I kneeled down to his level. "I'm not gonna hurt you, let me help you" I said pulling down my hood and putting a hand on the pole. He immediately winced but let me pull it out. Blood gushed out but I quickly started healing it. Soon enough he was okay with a glowing pink scar from it. He looked down at it before looking up at me. "Thank you" he whimpered. Other parts of him were clearly hurt aswell but I needed to get him out of here.

Then I heard movement from nearby, just next to him. I moved the rubble and saw a bigger boy, same age group as us maybe a year older? I grabbed his head and started healing him. Soon he shot up, panting and hugging. He looked at me before looking at the thinner rat looking boy. "Mylo!" He threw himself to the rat boy, hugging him close. I heard crying in the distance so I walked off to it and saw a small girl talking to.. Silco.
"HEY!" I yelled the two along with Silco's injured workers turned towards me and I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. "Step away from the kid! Your injured and weak workers can't help you now so I suggest you just run off!" I shouted as he raised his hands with a scowl. He turned his heel and started walking off, his goons following close behind him.

When they were far gon I put away my gun and ran to the girl. "Hey hey hey! Why are you here the building here just exploded" I asked sitting down on my knees next to her. She was sobbing violently and huffing before looking over at a dead beast of a man t was currently burning next to her. "Hey it's okay. I'll take care of you come on" I told her and she nodded. I picked her up, letting her lean her dirty on my chest before walked back to the two boys. They were now standing but the rat looking boy was limping.

"Hey! You two know this one?" I asked as I got closer. "Powder!" The rat boy said trying to get closer to her but falling down on his knees and whimpering. "Mylo?" The girl I now knew as Powder mumbled. She was close to falling asleep, clearly she was tired, exhausted from whatever happened here. The rat boy got helped up by the bigger one and he held her face his hand. She started sobbing again, he kissed her forehead before sighing.

"You're okay, thank god" he hummed smiling softly at her. "Why is she here? How did you find her?" He asked looking up at me. "She was crying, Silco almost got his hands on her but I threatened him. He left with his goons since they were injured. She was crying next to a burning man filled with shimmer" I explained and the boys sighed.
"Vander's gone I suppose. Thank you we won't bother you anymore" the bigger boy thanked me "I don't mine. You can stay somewhere to stay? I don't think it's safe to take the kid wherever you live if Silco has his eyes on her" I asked and they nodded. "That would be amazing thank you uh.."  the bigger boy started but fell numb.

"Y/n" I smiled at him "Thank you Y/n" he smiled "and you are? I know she's Powder and you're Mylo" I smiled as we started walking, the rat boy named Mylo leaned on the bigger boy. "Claggor" he replied as Mylo winced. "Here let me help" I said handing the now sleeping powder to Claggor, as I pulled my arm aroun Mylo's waist to help support him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"We gotta get your ankle bandaged and your hand is bleeding. You might have a broken bone somewhere" I told him as we left down an alleyway, he nodded and slightly winced.

"Claggor?" I heard a small voice say from behind us. We turned towards it to see a small dark skinned boy with white hair. He had clearly been crying and he looked dirty. He bust have been close to the fire. "Ekko" Claggor said before turning to me. "He's all alone" he mumbled. I let go of Mylo for a second before walking over to Ekko, turned around and kneeled down to his height. "Get on and hold tight" I told him and he did. I stood up again and he now sat on my shoulders, holding onto my head. I walked back and helped support Mylo again. "Thank you" Ekko whispered and I smiled. "It's always nice with some company" I hummed before opening a round lock door to show off the hallway leading to a wide space of dirt and grass with a huge tree growing inside.

"No one knows about this place except the healers that used to live here. But they died a long time ago" I told them as they walked in and studied the place. I closed and locked the doors again.
I set down Ekko and he grabbed my hand carefully as I had set down Mylo by the trees roots.
"Ekko, if you run through that door you should see a bunch of shelf's. On there you will see a roll of bandages and a big box next to it. Can you get those for me?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded before running off. "You live here all alone?" Claggor asked as he sat down the still sleeping Powder next to Mylo. "Well, not all alone" I smiled banging on the tree and a bunch of the green fire lights started flying all around us. "Woah" Mylo sighed in awe. "They Ofcourse can't talk to me but they are harmless. They are the only company I've had in a while" I said as Ekko ran out with a giggle as he saw the fire lights. He handed me the box and bandage roll.

I sat down and lifted Mylo's leg into my lap as I leaned back on a big root. I took off his shoe and pressed down to hear him wince. "It's sprained, not a clean break but I don't have the energy to heal it so you'll have to bear with it 'til tomorrow" I told him and he huffed "lucky me! It's not a clean break instead it's just sprained" I chuckled "I used up almost all my energy healing your chest wound! You had a pole stuck in you dumbass" I replied to his snarky comment. He huffed a small laugh, leaning his head back as Ekko sat down and watched me work, and Claggor sat down next to Mylo and Powder.
"Alright that should work until tomorrow" I said putting down his foot again before turning and starting to clean Ekko's face.

"How'd the explosion even happen?" I asked but not taking my eyes off of Ekko. "Not sure" Mylo replied with a shrug.
"It was me" I heard a whisper. I turned towards it to see Powder awake and at the brink of tears again, maybe a breakdown actually. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone I just wanted to help" she started sobbing. "Hey hey it's okay, I was there to save you guys okay? Everything is alright" I said but she leaned into my arms and started sobbing into my chest. "I killed my brothers! I'm a jinx!" She shouted before starting to hit herself head violently. I immediately held her hands down and wrapped her tightly in my grip so she would stay still but she continued trying to hurt herself, if she was now even realizing what she was doing.

"Powder!" Mylo shouted and she stopped. She turned to him. "I was wrong! You're not a jinx, you're my sister. You saved us and you hurt Silco's goons! You did amazing!" He smiled at her and I let her go, she basically fell into his arms and he hugged her tightly.
I knew he was lying but if it made her feel better I was all for it. She wasn't a jinx that was for sure, but she wasn't a good thinker.
"There are beds inside, come one" I helped mylo stand up as Claggor picked Powder up. She smiled softly but she was almost asleep, same with Ekko.

I lead them inside to the sleeping area. "There are beds here that fit two+ people, I sleep in here aswell so take whichever bed you want" I smiled sitting Mylo down on a bed near mine. "Powder let's take this one" Ekko pulled Powder over to one on the opposite side of the room, it had light pink sheets and two white pillows.
She sluggishly nodded and he helped her up onto the bed. I let out a soft chuckle before walking over to Mylo and starting to clean off his face.
"So what happened? Why were you with Silco?" I softly asked him as I heard Claggor and the kids get into bed. "Our dad, Vander. He was taken from us by them. Me, Claggor and our sister Vi was trying to rescue him and we were close to but then the explosion happened" he explained with a sigh, he closed his eyes lightly before looking up at me again. "Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life" he smiled "don't mention it" I smiled and kissed him on the forehead. I hurried off to my bed after turning off the lights. I heard him let out a low laugh before getting into bed. I got into mine and just thought back to that.

'Why did I kiss him? I barely know him!.. he looks like a cute porcupine'

Then I just let my mind race before falling asleep under the soft covers and the sound of the fire lights flickering as they flew around.
Maybe this will be a good thing.

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