Chapter 4 - Dog!

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I smiled as the dog licked my face. I had never seen one before but i had read about them in old books. They could usually not survive down in Zaun, no animals could. But since the air was getting slightly clearer around the trading markets I guess they took their chances at selling animals.
"That dog really likes you huh?" Ekko commented as the white cat climbed into their puffy hair. "Yeah hahah" I chuckled.
The dog was a shepherd and deep grey colors. The cat only had three legs and was orange black white and Pringle's with brown, guess the legs was there reason they were selling her.

"Is that a dog?" I heard Mylo asked as he came up to me. The dog spotted him and jumped at him with glee. "Woah! Woah there hahah!" He laughed as he held the dog who was jumping and squirming around in his embrace. "How'd you find a dog? Cows? Sheep? Is that a cat in Ekko's hair?" Claggor asked as him and Powder joined us, she was sitting on a cow. "I guess they took their chances on selling them since the air around the trading markets are slightly better now. But with the tree they should be able to survive here" I replied petting the dog as it licked my hand and let out a bark that made us all jump. "Oh my god it actually makes sound. I didn't know they could do that!" Mylo said, he basically had stars in his eyes while petting the dog.

"And he seems to like you, what should we name him?" I asked him, he looked up. "I get to pick his name?" He asked surprised, when I nodded he smiled widely and started jumping slightly. "Uh uhm hm... Brutus!" He almost shouted in excitement and I nodded. "Well then welcome your new dog Brutus to the family" I smiled as one of the sheep's ran up to me and bah'd.
"You'll be Mary" I smiled patting it, Powder sprayed a soft purple color on Mary's fur. "Now we know that's Mary, this is now Monkey" Powder hugged the cow they were currently laying on. "You can't name a Cow after another animal dumbass" Mylo said to her and she glared at him. "Fine fine fine, then this is Cherry!" They said, sprayed the tip of the cows fluffy ears red. "Alright then. Cherry, Mary and Brutus. Now to just name the other animals" Claggor spoke up. We heard purring and turned to see Ekko on the floor with the cat peacefully sleeping in their lap as he petted it.

He looked up at us and smiled akwardly. "I really like the cat" he chuckled. "We can tell" Mylo smiled, the dog jumped down and sat next to him. "Want to name her?" I asked squatting down to his level. He smiled softly as he looked down at the cat, "can we call her Quinn?" He asked and I nodded. "Ofcourse, but you're taking care of her food" I smiled petting their head before standing up. They picked her up softly, she woke up and crawled up on his shoulder and into their hair, laying across his shoulder with the soft curly white blanket of his hair covering her.
"This will be Maxine" Claggor said patting another cow. Powder painted the cows ears a soft dark blue. "And this will be Camilo" Ekko smiled at the other sheep as Mary walked beside me. Powder painted the sheep with a nice yellow.

"Well now they all have names atleast. Let's get them some grass to eat" I said turning to Claggor, he nodded and hurried inside. He told me earlier he wanted to see what happened if instead of just holding the Little Rock, I put in somewhere else. For example a necklace, earings, bracelets? He came out with the small rock now on a grey metal necklace. I put it on and kneeled down, putting my hands on the ground. I let out a soft sigh before closing my eyes. I felt my body light up along with the stone. And slowly I stopped to see the rock fall from the sky after floating above me.

I looked around and saw tall grass and flowers growing tall around the place. The cows and sheep started eating quickly and the cows moo'd in delight.
I smiled patting Mary on the back before turning to the others. "It's still so cool to watch you do that" Powder smiled as we walked inside to the livingroom area. I chuckled "Thank you but it's not that big of a deal" I thanked them "no really it's amazing" Mylo told me with a smile as we sat down, me and Mylo on the brown couch, Ekko with Powder on the ground in front of us while Claggor sat in an armchair near us. "Thank you Mylo" I smiled at him as he leaned back on me, almost laying down as I sat up straight with him against my side. I wrapped my arm around his chest as Brutus jumped up and laid down on his stomach. He leaned his head back to look up at me with a smile which I returned.
"They're right, it's very impressive what you can do. I can't wait to find out more about your power" Claggor told me and I just nodded.

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