Chapter 16

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Anna's POV

Jack and I walked around the room in silence. Finally we stopped when we were at the stairwell door. He opened it, grabbed my arm and pulled me in with him.

"Jack? Where are we going?" I whispered. "The doors are locked."

"I know." Jack said. He walked up the stairs. I followed.

"Then where are we going?" I asked.
He didn't respond.

We walked up the stairwell. We passed the door leading to a dormitory hall. We kept walking until we reached a door at the top.

"What is this?" I asked.
"You'll see." Jack said. He opened the door and we walked onto the roof.
"This is my secret place." He said to me.
"Secret?" I asked.
"Well, except for the countless girls I've brought up here, we are the only two who know it exists."
"Countless huh?" I laughed.
He sat on a bench overlooking the yard of the school.
"Do you doubt me?" Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Uh..." I started to say no but Jack laughed.
"I'm just kidding." Jack laughed.
"Oh." I laughed lightly.
"So how you liking the new school?" Jack asked.
"I love it!" I sighed sitting beside Jack on the bench.
Jack smiled at my happiness. "I'm not surprised. Disney Academy is one of everyone's favorite place."
"I see why." I said. We sat in silence for a minute.
"So Anna." Jack started to say.
"Yeah?" I looked at my shoes.
"I need to tell you something." Jack said scooting closer to me.
"Hm." I tensed up a bit.
"I li-" Jack was cut off by the door swinging open.
Kristoff stood there frozen.
"Kristoff!" I stood up happily avoiding my conversation with Jack. "What's up!"
"The..uh..doors are unlocked." Kristoff said.
"Great!" I looked at Jack who looked very annoyed. "See ya later Jack!" I followed Kristoff through the door and down to my door. I looked at Kristoff.
"Thank you." I hugged Kristoff.
"For what?" Kristoff looked confused.
"I'm pretty sure Jack was gonna tell me he liked Elsa. And I just had to get out of there." I turned to go.
"Elsa?" Kristoff said surprised.
"Yep. Every guy I like always likes her. And it's rather annoy-" Kristoff cut me off by leaning in and kissing me. I stood there frozen. He pulled away, mumbled "goodnight." And walked downstairs.

Jasmines POV

I had avoided Alice the entire time in the gym/auditorium. After seeing everyone else freak out like that, I couldn't even imagine starting something else in there.

What made me made though, was that it wasn't even true! And from the looks of everything, I don't think anyone would believe me.

I entered my dorm room and saw Snow standing in the middle with Mulan laying on her bed.

"Hi?" I said.
"Hi." Snow said. She folded her hands in front of her.
"Dinners in 20 minutes." I said walking over to my bed to change my clothes.
"I'm sorry." Snow said.
I turned around. "What?"
I heard Mulan sit up in her bed and look at us.
"I-I am very sorry." Snow said again.
"Ok. I heard that. What exactly are you sorry for?" I took a step towards her.
"I told someone that you see Alice's boyfriend every Thursday before you tutor her." Snow said quickly.
"Why would you do that?" I said in shock.
"Because she had to know!" Snow said sitting on her bed.
"But it's not true! I love Alice! And I would never ever do such a thing to her or anyone!" I yelled at Snow. "You of all people should know that!"
"I'm going to dinner. And while I go, you should think about what you've done and should admit to yourself and to everyone else that what you did is true." Snow walked out the door slamming it behind her.

I looked at Mulan.
"I don't understand. I would never do that to Alice!" I started to cry. I sat on my bed.
Mulan sat beside me and gave me a hug.
"I believe you." She whispered to me.
"You do?" I looked at Mulan.
She nodded. "And I think Snow is on yellow heels team."
"Oh totally." I said. We both laughed quietly.
"I actually know she's on yellow heels team." Mulan said looking at her hands.
"How?" I asked her.
"Because I'm on yellow heels team." Mulan said.

Hey guys!!

Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. I actually started writing this on Thursday but I got sick and my fever finally went down today so I decided to finish it. Sorry it's so short though.
I have so many different story's turning in my head that I can only put so much out at a time(if that even makes sense.) But thanks for sticking with me this whole time. And I literally just realized we are on Chapter 16 and they have had like no classes yet.😂. I will fix that very soon.

So what? Anna likes Jack? Kristoff kissed her???? AHHHHH!

Snow White lies to everyone!

Mulan and Jasmine are getting along!

MULAN and SNOW are on yellow heels team???

And the question I always ask but no on seems to know the answer or even bothers to answer: WHO IS YELLOW HEEL?!?!

-Disney Daisy🌻

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