Chapter 9

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Janes POV

Well, that went well. I can't believe Snow blew up like that! That's so not like her! She's normally totally down to earth and selfless about everything. I don't understand.

I left the lunchroom an headed to the News room. I told Anna I would meet her there after lunch. I decided to head there earlier because I needed some air.

I opened the door an checked my mailbox. 1 new draft. Now I have something I can focus on to get my mind off things.

I sat at my desk and opened the yellow folder. I pulled out a crisp white paper. The title read 'Drama In and Out of the Dorm'. Oh great. More gossip column. Some girl (or guy I guess) has just started writing a gossip column for us. We have no idea who it is. Even Ms. De Vil doesn't know. If she knows she won't tell us! I started reading the draft.

'Drama In and Out of the Dorm.'

Recently there's been some drama with some dorm mates. And over what? A boy. Little Miss. Mulan took Jasmines boyfriend. Aladdin didn't seem to mind! As my sources state, M and A were caught "holding hands and kissing" in the courtyard during lunch! Quite the little scandals. But where did that leave J? She went and dumped Aladdins sorry butt that very night. And he didn't care! She went back to the dorm to enjoy ice cream and Netflix with her now close friend Snow! Didn't just the other day Snow was saying how she couldn't stand J? Hmmm. Snow isn't a good as we think she is! When J offered to see if she could switch dorms with Lottie, Snow refused saying, "Personally, I'm glad I don't have Lottie as a room mate. She's to spoiled and is rude a lot." Well, Well Snow White! Aren't you the little diva! When Snow found out she didn't get the co-editor position, she blew up! She claimed she was the better writer in the whole school!! Hm. Well if that's the case how come Anna got the spot and you didn't? Hm. Well I guess I better keep my notepad open and heels at the ready.

Best Wishes
-Yellow Heel

I sat back in my desk surprised with what I read and surprised that this person was able to get all of this information in the first 3 days! I guess we have a spot in our paper.

The door to my office opened. It was Anna.

"Anna! Dah-ling! How are you! Your desk is right across from me!" I pointed across the room towards the empty desk.

"Great!" She sat down at the desk. "Whatcha reading?"

"Oh just a draft someone sent in." I said slipping it back into the folder.

"Who?" She asked.

"Well, actually I have no idea. It's a secret gossip column and the person is under the name 'Yellow Heel' " I handed her the draft. "Here why don't you review it? We aren't allowed to change the story. Just the spelling and if there are any bad words and stuff. When your done just sit in my top drawer!"

"Alright!" Anna happily took the folder. "Would you like me to type it up so we have it in our files?"

"Oh yes! We are supposed to that! I just forgot. Thank god for you!" I laughed. "Well, I'll see you later!"

I walked into the hall leaving Anna to the draft.

Snow Whites POV

I stormed into my dorm slamming the door behind me. I jumped onto my bed tears streaming down my face.

I had never been this upset! I was just sick and tired of everyone always beating me! I wanted something all to myself!

I layed on my bed in tears when a knock came to the door. I went to open it, expecting Jane or Anna coming to apologize. But it wasn't. Standing in the door was a girl. I couldn't see her face because she had in a hood and her head was facing down. I could her short brown hair and she had on yellow heels

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