𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝

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T H I R D   P E R S O N

A feminine figure is perched on a gargoyle and watching over the city of New York like she always does on her nightly patrols. She also listens to the police dispatch that's on her phone and sighs annoyed that her protege is late again.

"Oh, Miles. What am I gonna do with you?" Gwen said.

Miles got bit by a radioactive spider just like Gwen and now she's mentoring him to become a hero just like her. Gwen doesn't know if she is a good teacher even though she's had 7 years of experience. Gwen sometimes gets anxious when she teaches Miles because when he looks at her he's trusting her to not let him fall and to lead him down the right path.

It's a huge responsibility but it's one she welcomes somewhat hesitantly. Gwen turns off the police dispatch on her phone as the city was quiet for once and then puts on some rock music. The blonde bombshell listens to the rock music and hums relaxing to it.

Gwen smiles as she remembers her time in the all-girls rock band called The Mary Janes. She was the drummer and it was a fun time being in that band with her friends MJ, Felicia, Betty, and Gloria. Peter would always be in their band practice sessions cheering them on.

Then right on cue, the boy Miles swings hastily towards her in his superhero suit while holding two cups of a drink. Gwen looks in his direction and shakes his head like a disappointed mother.

Caleb McLaughlin

Caleb McLaughlin

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Miles Morales

"I know what you are going to say and I'm sorry. I just lost track of time. Had to deal with schoolwork and high school drama. Pretty boring stuff if you ask me." The afro Latino boy said.

"I understand I guess. I was a loner through most of my time in high school. So I wasn't as popular as you are Miles."

"So, you never had like a best friend or even a boyfriend?" Miles asks handing her the cup of drink.

She takes it hesitantly. "It's my Abuela's famous hot cocoa. Try it. You'll love it."

"You had me at hot cocoa," Gwen said smiling. She lifts her mask and takes a sip of the hot drink.

"Mmm, props to your Abuelita, Miles. This is delicious."

Miles smiles. "The secret is using really good chocolate." He said and takes a sip of the hot drink as well.

"To answer your question. Yes, I had a best friend. His name was Peter Parker."

"What happened to him?" Miles asks.

"I failed to save him after he turned himself into a lizard. I had to stop him and he died in my arms," Gwen said sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I asked."

"No, it's okay. You didn't know, Kid."

"Is this why you're always so hard on me? Because you don't want me to die?"

"Yes, Miles. I just want you to stay safe."

Miles nods. "You're a great teacher, Gwen. I can't promise you that I'll stop being reckless or irresponsible as I'm still new to this hero thing. But I promise you that I'll always have your back no matter what and you'll always have mine no matter what too. After all, we are partners, right?"

Gwen smiles. "Right, Spider-Boy."

Miles smiles back while rolling his eyes.

The pair of spider-themed heroes dap and laugh

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The pair of spider-themed heroes dap and laugh. Then the moment was ruined as their spider senses activated. Miles and Gwen put on their mask and look up to the sky in horror.

The sky is forming cracks orange, purple, and blue colors seep through the cracks. Citizens of NYC scream and panic as they think it is the end of the world. Loud sounds erupt and the grounds begin to shake.

"Woah," Miles said as he begins to lose balance. Gwen grabs him. "I gotcha." She said and gets him back up.

"What do we do?" Miles asks her in a worried tone.

"We have to save as many people as possible, Okay?" Gwen answers as the chaos has begun.

Miles nods and they swing into action. The pair save as many lives as they can rescuing people from car accidents and buildings on fire. Then a portal opens in front of the spider-themed heroes.

"What the-" Miles starts but the portal begins to suck in air. Miles and Gwen fall and are getting pulled in when Miles thwips a line and the line ties around a light pole. Miles groans as he holds her hand and tries to get her to safety.

"You gotta let me go, Miles! It wants me!" Gwen said in tears. This is the end for her. It's the only way the city can be saved.

"No, I won't let you die!" Miles said struggling as the light pole begins to bend about to snap in half.

"It's not your choice, Miles. Be the hero I taught you to be. Be The Spider-Man." Gwen said and forcefully yanks her hand away from him.

"No, Gwen!" Miles screamed as he sees her getting sucked into the portal.

Gwen smiles accepting her fate. "It's okay." She whispers and her eyes close.

The portal then closes as it got what it wanted and the chaos ends. Miles falls to the ground roughly. He slowly gets up and looks at his surrounding. He is all alone and sobs.

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