𝐈. 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝

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Chapter One: Secret Identity Exposed

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Chapter One: Secret Identity Exposed




"What the fuck?!" Peter yelled as his eyes widen in shock with his hands on his head.

"That's right folks. Spider-Man is in fact, Peter Parker." J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle announced to the citizens of NYC.

MJ Watson looked shocked to hear her boyfriend's secret identity being revealed to the public. She looked up at Peter who was perched on a light pole and then hugs herself scared as fellow New Yorkers started to surround her. They bombarded her with questions, invade her personal space, and touch her.

"Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?" One female New Yorker asks.

"It's none of your business," MJ said getting annoyed.

Peter pulls himself together after the shock wears off and comes to MJ's rescue.

"Hey, don't touch her please." He said shielding his girlfriend from them.

"You murdered Mysterio!" One male citizen of NYC yelled.

"No, I didn't. I swear." Peter said.

"Get us out of here, Tiger," MJ whispers in his ear and clings to his arm.

He nods. "Hold on tight, Red."

Some of the fellow New Yorkers start to throw objects at the couple in anger believing Spider-Man and his girlfriend were murderers and killed the "Hero" Mysterio. Peter dodges the attacks and protects MJ.

"People looked up to this boy and called him a hero. I'll tell you what I call him: Public Enemy Number One!" Jameson's voice echoed through the city.

Peter then swings his redhead to safety and they land on top of a bridge. Peter and MJ pull out their phones as they get calls from their friends Ned, Betty, and Flash.

"MJ! Did you see it? Petey's secret is exposed!" Betty said over the phone.

"Bro, I can't believe it. Now everyone knows that you are Spider-Man and that I'm your friend. I am gonna get so many chicks with that." Flash said over the phone.

"Dude! What is going on? I'm losing my freaking mind right now!" Ned said over the phone too.

"Meet us at Aunt May's apartment, Ned. As well as Betty and Flash." Peter said.

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