6- La masion rouge

208 9 32

Frontal Lobe Musik- Daniel Caesar

Complicated- Mac Miller

Beauty essex- Daniel Caesar

Over- Lucky Daye

Over- Lucky Daye

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Placing police in higher levels of government makes sense but when they abuse their power, and do more good than harm...It puts civilians and lives at risk. Especially the Vancouver police department, where Jimin's best friend works.

Something he wasn't always fond of was Jungkook working for them, since they were a bunch of snakes who take money to be swayed. But Jungkook told him it was just a temporary position until he makes it into the cia.

Jungkook and Jimin go way back during their childhood days, meeting in the Barton foster care home, here in BC. They first came to know of each other as children but as they grew older into the teenage years they both came to learn of Jungkook's father and decided to stay with him.

Jungkook gave Jimin a place to sleep for years, and a shoulder to lean on when he was younger. Jungkook protected Jimin, and now they are both two unstoppable strong men, living their lives to the fullest.

He was only loyal to one person, his loyalty stood where Jungkook was and the younger could say the same thing. They've had each other's back for years, and nothing is gonna make Jimin change his mind.

"Seal it, send it in the mail directly. I don't want any clients calling and asking when they're going to receive their letters" Jimin had said through the telecom, instructing his assistant to send out briefing letters to his customers.

He had now worked as the economist director in a company that resells merchandise. Earning this position took years of ass kissing and sweat but he finally got promoted a couple months ago as the new director retired.

This wasn't the job that he had wanted to occupy though, he had similar dreams to Jungkook, working with the CIA. He was good at tracing and tracking down money, and people.

His current job paid well but it wasn't where he wanted to be yet, and that made him dread work every single day.

He was honestly miserable and it felt like he had just been treading through each day faintly, barely remembering what he does and why he does it.

Jimins state of depression isn't anything new to him, he's been feeling this way for quite a long time and the fact that he feels lonely and tired for years breaks his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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