Unexpected team up

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After 8 hours, Leaf village gate:
"Ah! Feels great revisiting the leaf village." Gon feels the breezes as they pull up to the gate.

"It looks to be back to the way it was before the invasion." Killua said, hands in pockets.

"But this time there's 5 stone faces." Wendy notices.

"I'm guessing she's the new leader of this village." Carla guesses.

"Yes, she sure is. The 5th hokage." Izumo and Kotetsu walk up, "Good to see you guys revisit."

"Heys guys." Gon greets.

"I received your letter from here in magnolia." Killua said.

"That's right, congratulations on becoming a Chunin!" Kotetsu claps and reveals.

"Yeah, this is our second time congratulating you." Gon claps too.

"Congratulations!" Wendy claps too.

"Hmm, I don't it's necessary to congratulate a second time." Carla sighs and smiles.

"G-Guys, come on... you're embarrassing me!" Killua blushes, having had enough, which they all laugh.

"So what brings you guys here?" Izumo asks.

"We're just going around and revisiting the village." Gon replies.

"Like a recon." Wendy adds, "And seeing how everyone else is doing here."

"Especially team 7." Killua said.

"Uh..." Izumo trails, lighten expression.

"Hmm?" Carla asks.

"Something wrong?" Gon asks.

"About team 7... one of them left the group." Kotetsu reveals.

"!!!" They're stunned at this sudden information.

"What do you mean "one of them left"." Gon asks.

"Did something happen recently?" Wendy asks.

"...." Izumo looks down before telling them, "You'll have to see lady hokage for the details."

"...." Killua feels something off about this one, "Right, got it. We'll go to the hokages office and see what's up."

Gon, Wendy, and Carla nod and proceed on.

Couple minutes later, They reach the hokages mansion before knocking on the door of the office.

"Come in." The new hokages allows before team 11 walks in.

"Hello, uh..." Gon greets first.

"I'm tsunade, the new hokage." She introduces.

"A female leader, huh." Killua thought, surprisingly with a narrows brow.

"Hey, we're..." Wendy was about to introduce next.

"I read about you guys in the chunin exam reports, you're Gon, Killua, and Wendy." Tsunade knows

"And I'm carla." She introduces, not being left out, receiving a nod in response.

"I also heard about you guys from kakashi, who monitored you three during the exam, along with team 7. Also, congratulations on making chunin." Tsunade glances at killua.

"Yeah, thanks." Killua responses.

"What brings you three to my office if I may ask?" Tsunade questions.

"...." Gon speaks up, "We heard that a member of team 7 left their group..."

"Is there a reason to why?" Wendy asks.

Back-up: Allies of the LeafWhere stories live. Discover now