Downfall of the Sound 4

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Gaara and Killua stare down Kimimaro, who does so in respond.
Lee is surprised to see them in front of him, "Killua
... and Gaara of the sand?"

"How you holding up, Lee?" Killua glances, "Great to see that you're fighting again... but not all the way."

"Ah..." Lee glances.

"Killua and Gaara... so those are what you go by." Kimimaro fires bones from his finger-tips, "Digital Shrapnel!"

Killua was about to deflect them via yo-ups till Gaara uses his sand shield to protect him, Lee, and himself.

"I was about to deflect those... but never mind." Killua thought, receding his hands, but seeing the bones still making through gaara's sand before stopping(which the tips fall down).

"Impulsive, aren't you?" Gaara comments at Kimimaro before glancing back at Lee, "You're different..."

"Huh?" Lee asks.

"When we last fought, you had more agility..." Gaara said.

"He probably just got out of surgery since it was your doing, remember?" Killua reminds.

"Yeah..." Gaara replies truthfully, receding his sand.

"It's alright, killua." Lee slowly stands up, "I won't hold a grudge against him, it was tough getting through I'll admit that."

"If you say so." Killua shrugs.

"Anyway, Gaara..." Lee then questions, "Why have you come here with him?"

Glancing back, "I owe the leaf... a great debt." He replies.


Temari and Wendy glare up at tayuya, who does the same in response.

"Are you okay, shikamaru?" Wendy asks.

"Looks like we came in time." Carla said.

"Wendy... carla." Shikamaru glances, "Good to see you two, but as for her..." He glances at temari next, "I heard rumors that our village had finally made up with you traitors, changing sides this quickly was unexpected."

"The sand team was only following orders, they had no intention to randomly do it." Carla explains.

"Exactly, and we're following orders just like on this mission... that's all." Temari glances at shikamaru.

"Tsunade-san sent us to back you guys up so we split in different directions to help at the same time." Wendy explains.

"Heh, it's a good thing the fifth hokage sent them. She saved out butts!" Shikamaru thought, relieved.

"By the way, you seem a lot dumber than the last time our paths crossed." Temari teases, smirking, which shikamaru scoffs.

"Do we have time for this?" Carla sighs.

"A few seconds, yeah." Temari replies, still smirking before adding this to shikamaru, "So are you gonna give up again this time? Me and her wouldn't mind taking care of this for you."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not about to give up, and besides, a real man doesn't let two women do the fighting for him." Shikamaru said, refusing help.

"In this scenario, you might have to." Carla said.

"No, I don't." Shikamaru refuses.

"You could have died if it wasn't for them you know." Carla lectures.

"Don't need lecturing from a girl-cat." Shikamaru said, which Carla tick-marks.

"Forgot about him, neko." Temari smirks, "He may act tough, but we all know it's just an act, idiot." She says that to shikamaru.

Back-up: Allies of the LeafWhere stories live. Discover now