Mission Outcome

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Running into each other while going after Sasuke,

"Gon!" Killua catches up.

"Oh, Killua!" Gon replies, seeing him catch up, "You're after sasuke too?"

"Yeah, we need to back naruto up and take him back." Killua said.

They then feel a tremendous energy as the dark clouds begin to rain.

"W-What's this terrible energy...?!" Gon exclaims in wondering.

"I don't know..." Killua said, stunned too, "My only guess is that Naruto and Sasuke are engaging each other and that's what's cause this dark aura..."

"Then we need to get up there, fast!" Gon tree jumps ahead, so does killua.

They then run into kakashi and pakkun in the forest as it rains.

"Kakashi-san!" Gon exclaims out.

"Gon, Killua!" Pakkun turns and seems them catching up.

"What are you two doing here?" Kakashi asks.

"Tsunade-san allowed us to help bring sasuke back." Gon explains.

"If you're here then I assume she gave you the details too?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, she told me everything." Kakashi nods, "How much farther, pakkun?"

"It's this way!" The hound jumps ahead.

Arriving at the finally valley, they jump further down and to their shock, they see Naruto on the ground, unconscious after a long fight with sasuke.

"Naruto!!" Gon runs to him, kneeing down to check on him.

"Damn it! We didn't make it on time..." Killua scoffs, disappointed.

Kakashi's only glances in a sad look.

Pakkun sniffs a headband and reveals, "It's Sasuke's."

"..." They only glance.

"Why did this have to happen..." Gon looks down, disappointed face.

"...." Kakashi comes forward and picks the unconscious Naruto up, "If only we were on time... sorry, naruto."

"...." Gon and Killua are silent.

The rain finally stops and Pakkun comments, "I can't trace sasuke's scent anymore due to the rain."

"At this rate... we might have to head back." Killua said, disappointed.

"If there's no scent... then there's nothing we can do..." Gon then tightens his fist, "Damn... sasuke...!"

"...." Kakashi only stays quiet.

They make it up the rock and see the two stone statues.

"The finally valley... who knew naruto and Sasuke would settle it here." Pakkun said.

"This place does look to be something from ancient history." Killua mutters, hands in pockets.

"It is... it's said that two men fought here and the river was formed by the scar caused by that fight." Kakashi explains, "And the leaf village was built."

"Unbelievable..." Gon mutters.

Kakashi thinks about the similarities of Naruto and Sasuke with the statues on the final valley before commenting, "Let's head back..."

"Right..." They replies and do so.

As they tree jump back through the forest:

"Kakashi sensei..." Naruto wakes up on kakashi's back.

Back-up: Allies of the LeafWhere stories live. Discover now