The Sand Shinobi/Hunters of FT: Allies of the Leaf

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Team 11's fit in opening 5(v2):
• At 1:10, They appear when the sand siblings do. With Gon unleashing a janjankin, Killua releases electricity, and Gaara unleashing sand.


When Kiba hides from Ukon, with the unconscious akamaru in his lap, he sniffs some scents and is shocked by it, "What? That scent... wait a minute..." He smells the sand siblings moving fast through the forest, "Why... why in the world would they be here...?" He doesn't get, "I don't know what's going on... but gotta move fast!" He tries, but the stab wound he received doesn't let him, "Ugh! It's no use... I'm feeling a little dizzy..." He then catches for other scents, which shocks him more, "The heck... are they..." He smells Team 11 moving fast with the sand siblings, "Why are they with them...?! What's going on here...!"

Team 11 and the Sand Siblings continue tree hoping through the forest(with Carla carrying wendy the whole way).

"This must be where they divided off at." Kankuro figures.

"Then we should divide off too." Gon suggests.

"Right, let's take our picks." Killua nods.

"Carla and I will go with temari." Wendy glances.

"Sure, I don't mind." Temari replies.

"How about we team up?" Gon asks kankuro.

"Sure thing, kid." Kankuro smirks.

"...." Killua and Gaara glance at each other, knowing their the only two left.

"Guess that leaves you and me." Killua said.

"It does." Gaara thinks likewise.

"...." they don't say anything to each other until Killua speaks, "I guess I was too untrusting earlier, but I do want to see how much you've changed since last time when we fight this enemy."

"..." Gaara only glances and gets the picture as they continue on ahead.

"Perfect, let's scatter!" Gon exclaims, raring to go before they do so.

After scattering on different directions, "I see what you did. That was brilliant." Kankuro admits.

"Yeah, leaving Killua alone with Gaara will help him gain more trust in him." Gon replies.

With the girls, "It's a pleasure to fight alongside you for this mission." Temari said, tree jumping.

"You too, let's give it our all." Wendy replies, smiles while carla Carrie's her.

"With both of being wind users, you'll make a great team." Carla admits.

Killua and Gaara only remain silent to each other as they proceed on.

Ukon sneaks behind kiba while having his jacket on, catching him off-guard, "Boo...!"

"!" Kiba turns around.

"I knew it would work." Ukon smirks.

"My jacket... the scent of my own blocked out yours, no wonder I couldn't smell you..." Kiba glares, with the unconscious akamaru still in his lap. Seeing ukon pull out a kunai knife, "Well, come on then...!" He smirks.

"You're staring death in the face, so should you be screaming for mercy... ah?" Ukon prepares his kunai.


While struggling to strangle Tayuya up close via shadow strangled jutsu, "Come on... I'm racking my brain here... why can't I come up with anything?!" His shadow starts receding via reaching his limit, "It's no use... I can't hold on any longer...!"

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