Strike of the Vengful: Bracken Dance!

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"Godspeed." Killua announces the name.

"Godspeed...?" Lee mutters, surprised, while Gaara watches surprised too.

"So that's what you call it... Godspeed." Kimimaro gets it before growing a bone out his palm for attacking, "Show me what's it really made of *cough*" He covers his mouth suddenly.

"Hm?" Killua narrows a brow, so does Gaara.

"Let's continue..." Kimimaro dashes at killua, who vanished again, "!" Drop kicks Kimimaro on the head, filling him electricity paralyzation. The bone ninja only has his mouth open from the blow before getting strikes again and again, not having time to make a sound as he keeps getting struck by killua's lightning close combat and speed.

"Unbelievable... it's like he's moving at the speed of lightning itself! He's completely overwhelming the bone guy in his transformed state...!" Lee thought, surprised/amazed, "In this state, Killua's at the same speed as the 5th gate, or slightly even faster! This mode should end the bone guy for good!"

"Impressive power and speed... He's gotten stronger than the last time we fought each other." Gaara recalls, having the same thought Killua had about him getting stronger before.

Killua continues overwhelming Kimimaro, with a barrage of punches and kicks.

"What's going on here? Under normal circumstances, I would be stronger... but this is insane... I can't read him at all!" Kimimaro thought while getting struck.

Killua then lands a big attack, "Whirlwind!" He elbows kimimaro in the stomach, making him slide back, paralyzed with electricity.

"This is profound... and I'm not sensing any chakra from him... it's like he's using a different aura..." Kimimaro thought before the electricity paralyzation wears off.

"Now, for a thunderbolt!" Killua jumps high and zaps Kimimaro with a full blast.

Feeling more paralyzation and pain, he uses sheer force to stick his tail in the ground, which absorbs the electricity, and reduces the paralyzation on Kimimaro.

"What?! He used his tail in the ground like a rod to nullify the electricity..." Lee thought, stunned.

"..." Gaara only watches with his usual expression, but seeing things might be bad.

Killua lands while Kimimaro recovers.

"Heh... aside from you speed, I know how to counter your electricity now. So your further attempts at paralyzing me is zero." Kimimaro smirks.

"Fine, then take this..." Killua uses his speed against to strike, "Whirlwind-"

Before he could strike Kimimaro, he suddenly reverts back to normal form, which surprises Lee and gaara.

"Shoot! I used it all up!" Killua exclaims before getting smacked by kimimaro's tail, "GAH!" He's sent flying, but luckily, gaara's sand saves him on time from going further, "Ugh... that one stung a little..."

"So that was the time-limit to your Godspeed mode. Meaning I no longer need to worry about that." Kimimaro gets it.

"Damn..." Lee scoffs.

"And that sand is getting irritating..." Kimimaro glances, "Very well, Gaara... you first." He slowly pops and takes out his own spine.

"The hell... how disgusting..." Killua scoffs in disgust and surprise, "His spine?!"

Back-up: Allies of the LeafWhere stories live. Discover now