Episode 15 Finale

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Unknown pov👇
Every one sat in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out; Prince, his dad and mum, Tina and her mum, Jay, Kelvin, David and few guards were there. Prince’s eyes were so reddish and swollen from too much of tears.
Kelvin walked close to Prince who sat on the floor with his arms rested on his knees,He placed his hand on his shoulder gesturing to him that everything would be fine but prince only nodded in reply as he lowered his head.

Not too long, The Doctor and two nurses came out of Audrey’s private room, Everyone stood up to them except Prince who looked so weak to even get up from the floor “how is she Doctor?” Prince’s Dad asked the doctor  “She is ok sir, it’s a relief that you brought her out of the water quickly, but am afraid you can’t see her right now because she is sleeping and she really needs to rest for now sir” the doctor replied “Thank you very much Doctor,I really appreciate”  Prince’s dad said "Sir you don't need to thank me, I only do my job to a boss,you are a boss to all of us,So you don't need to thank me sir" The Doctor replied with a smile "I need to attend to more patients, escuze me Sir" The Doctor said before walking away.
"We should all put our minds at ease and go home to rest for now,then we come back tomorrow when she is up,we all heard what the doctor said,He said she's sleeping for now and we need to give her some time to rest until tomorrow,then we all can come back and check on her” Prince’s dad said. “Thank you so much ma’am and sir. Despite your busy schedules you put up some time for Audrey, we really appreciate this Sir,Thank you so much sir” Tina’s mum said “You don’t have to thank me Madam, Audrey is like a daughter to me, even if she’s not biologically mine, I would still do the same thing for her, so you don’t need to thank me for anything Ma" Prince’s dad replied “I will appoint some of my boys to watch over her, don’t worry about anything, nothing is going to happen to her, so please just put your mind at rest and let's come back to check on her please” Prince’s dad added.
Tina and her mum left, leaving Prince and the others. “Dear you said you are travelling tomorrow morning,so I think you should go home with me and rest cause its really late already” Prince’s Dad said to his mum, she gestured her husband to look at Prince who was just quite Since, He walked to where Prince sat and bent down next to him “Son you need to rest so you can come back and check on her tomorrow,you are going to get weak this way,you have stressed yourself a lot today, Will you come home with me and come back to check on her tomorrow” his dad asked softly “No Dad, am not going home,I will stay right here untill she wakes up” Prince said as he got up and entered Audrey’s room. “Well, let’s allow him do what he wants, Jay and Kelvin, you guys should go home and rest to relive stress and don’t tell me no also” Prince’s Dad said with a smile while they both nodded “Good, you guys can go home, then you come back and check on her tomorrow, take care of yourselves boys” Prince’s Dad said to them while Jay and Kelvin left together. Daniel you should come home and rest with us, you can just appoint your boys to watch over them” he said “no sir, I will stay with him, I will just have two boys with me so the others can go home with you sir” Daniel replied “well no problem, please be very watchful of them please” he said “ I will sir” Daniel replied while Prince’s dad and mom left with the guards, leaving Daniel and two guards at the hospital…

Prince sat beside Audrey looking at her, he placed his hand on her forehead just to check her temperature.

Flash back👇
“Prince she is gone, allow the Doctor to do their work please” Daniel said sadly “I told you she is not dead! SHE IS NOT DEAD!!!” Prince shouted angrily “Audrey look at me, please open your eyes, AUDREY!!!”  he lamented as he grabbed her closer to himself with his arms wrapped around her as he drew her much

closer to himself  as he burst into more tears. Suddenly Audrey coughed, everyone got shocked “Audrey! Audrey! Can you hear me? Audrey” Prince said to her as she tried to open her eyes slowly, she moved her hand to his face, cleaning his tears while Prince just stared at her in surprise before giving her a deep kiss on her lips.
Flashback ended🤞

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