Chapter 43: Sweet, Sweet Lies

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It's been a THOUSAND YEARS, but I have returned, and I bring a TREAT, my darlings. 


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            I woke up with queasy feeling in my stomach. Fico's arm was heavy and draped over me, his body flush against my back, and his breathing soothingly deep. God help me, I was in so deep with this man. I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

But the queasy feeling suddenly went south fast, and I felt like I might throw up. I slid out from underneath his arm as quickly as I could while not waking him up, before full-on sprinting to the bathroom.

Shutting the bathroom door behind me, I barely made it in time as I dropped down to the toilet and wretched my guts out.

"Shit," I groaned out, the sharp scent of my own vomit making me nauseous all over again and my heart race with the anticipation. I hated throwing up. I was borderline afraid of it. And I especially hated the fact that I had no reason to be throwing up, other than the worst reason I could think of.


Fico's deep voice triggered me into a near panic as he opened on the bathroom door, and suddenly I started throwing up again. He crossed the space between us and knelt to the ground, pulling my hair away from my face. "Shhh, let it pass."

He rubbed my back in slow circles and it looked it already had gotten a lot better. I reached over and flushed the toilet.

"Morning," I gurgled out like a monster, imagining I looked like a hot mess right now.

"You alright?" Fico seemed top worried to laugh as he wet a rag over the sink. "How long have you been throwing up?"
"Mmm," I whined.

Fico offered me a hand and I took his help to shakily stand. He leaned me against the counter and cleaned my mouth with cool water. "I wonder if it's food poisoning from yesterday. But we ate very similar foods though, no?"

I felt a drop of dread in my belly. Turning away from Fico, I grabbed my toothbrush. Fico reached into the cabinet and managed to find a paper cup that the hotel provided, and I filled it water I rinsed my mouth out a bunch of times before I aggressively started brushing my teeth.

Negative. Negative. Negative.

"How sick do you feel?" Fico asked, his hand coming up from behind me to feel my forehead. "Maybe I should take you to the doctors."

I bent over the sink to spit toothpaste and rinse my mouth. "I'm fine."
When I lifted my head, in the reflection of the mirror, I could see the gears of Fico's mind clicking around. "You're not acting fine."

"I think I just need to lay down."

He said nothing as I moved past him into the bedroom. My mind raced to try and change the conversation.

"I had some weird appetizer thing last night at the spa." Pulling back the comforter, I lay down on the bed and pulled the blanket to my chin. "I can't even imagine it right now, it's making me sick. It must have been–"

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