Chapter 31: Giallo

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I'M BACK, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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P.S - I had to literally go into this chapter and do all of the spaces manually because whenever I updated the chapter all the lines were pushed together! LOL.

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When I woke up in the morning, he wasn't in the spot next to me, and his bed was neat on that side. He'd quietly woken up in the morning and slipped out of the room without disturbing me, like the cunning creature he was. When I returned to my bedroom, there was another fresh sunburst of yellow roses on my dresser. The note attached read:

Tu sei un rompicoglioni. Sei la mia stella polare. Tu sei una stella... La mia stella Incontriamoci stasera. Con tutto l'affetto mio, -F

I folded the note again and made my way down the long hallways and endless stairs of Fico's mansion, to the kitchen downstairs. By now, the men in this estate were used to me walking around in my underwear and baggy t-shirts, right? 

"Gina, what does this note say?" I asked the cute, elderly Italian woman who every morning, stubbornly refused to let me make myself breakfast. 

"Aren't you supposed to be practicing Italian?" she asked me, checking on some kind of pastry in an oven.

 "Well, yeah," I said, and wanted to face palm myself. I had a few of his Italian books in my bedroom and probably could have translated it myself. I realized the note made me too anxious to have thought of that. I was also way too nervous about my date with Fico to see if he was in his office, and ask him what the note meant himself. 

"You will try my berry crostata if I read?" Gina bargained, moving around other chefs in the kitchen to crack eggs into a bowl and whisk. "I make you breakfast burrito this morning. Big as your head. Fico love." 

"Gina, you're crazy. I can't eat that and a burrito the size of your head." She gave me a glaring look.

 "Crostata, or no translate, and you have to eat two burrito." 

"Crostata it is," I said. 

She snatched the paper from my hands. "You are a pain in the ass," she began to read, her accent thick but her determination high.

 "That jerk!" I leaned in to take the note back, but she moved it out of my way. 

"You are my polar star," she continued slowly, touching her cheek with one hand as she read ahead. "You are a star, my star. Meet me tonight. With all of my affection, F."

 I didn't know what to say, but I felt it all. A rush of excitement had been awakened within me, warming my face with a burst of delight and happiness so strong that I didn't know what to do with it. I feared, with no direction, it would crash and burn too quickly. Instead, it stayed with me, and I smiled. Gina started cry, which startled me. 

"Gina? Gina, what's wrong?" "You silly girl, these are tears of joy!" She wiped her eyes and gripped me by the shoulders. 

"I knew. I knew my Fico would find his light in you." There wasn't an exact time or a place to meet him, but I would meet him tonight. It was like I forgot how to be a woman. There wasn't any outfit set aside for me. There weren't women rushing around to do my makeup and hair. It was just I, Samantha Arsenio, with a lot of expensive clothes, makeup, and anxiety. 

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